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Posts posted by drew_back

  1. <p>That looks way better from a diferent set of eyes I was trying so hard to keep all 3 boats but I really like it now..Thank you..I have some slide film dated 1965 that I want to try this weekend with portrait work that is if I can talk the wife into it..Now that I have the brightline finder this camera is a true joy to shoot with what a diference..</p>
  2. <p>Yes I saw those I cant understand why they put that portrait on the back how tacky that one is almost the exact of my A model anyway..I am truly happy with the camera I have waited a long time for it..I will check into the VC finder and as asked before that will give the exact image im looking for correct??</p>
  3. <p>Now after a few rolls the camera seems a little easier my only real complaint is the view finder..When I look through it I think I have all this stuff but when I get the picture its all cut out..Would a 50 brightline finder give you the actual image for the picture and will it work with this camera??I have never used one so please excuse the ignorance..Here is another great pic though..</p><div>00bD9f-512525684.jpg.517385a0b65b9f949c14ebbdb6850a08.jpg</div>
  4. <p>I got the camera at a very good price I could not pass up about the cost of an old M3 user..The camera is very solid like the old A model but I think it wheighs a little more by comparison.I started an o series album for all the pictures I take feel free to browse. I might try some people pics today if the weather holds</p><div>00bCro-512285584.jpg.7182577cd3cd03c50a9ae65e9ef95216.jpg</div>
  5. <p>Well I finaly got My o series camera It definately is a work of art I shot my first roll today I only messed up 10 pictures out of 24 it is definately not for the beginner rembering the lense cap before winding the shutter is tough and the settings thats a whole other story but I muddled through and love the results..</p>
  6. <p>I think the 1A is the nicest and easiest to use once you get over the film loading process there is something about that old lense that just makes pictures so soft and pleasant to look at..You dont have to focus just guess at the distance look through the finder and shoot..Cosmeticly they are a beautiful camera and very simple the downside is no interchangeable lense,but you can pick up a good user for under $800 and go out and shoot..Here is an example shot</p><div>00bBZm-511291584.jpg.0d83c16f805a482c3c5fc11ace4a3ae8.jpg</div>
  7. <p>I took another roll today for christmas we shall see how those come out..I finaly broke down and bought one of those Leica O series replicas at a price I could not refuse it should be here by the end of the week here is a portrait of the old girl</p><div>00bAG7-510031584.thumb.jpg.1e6153bd6974b8b4f09fd273fb3043b4.jpg</div>
  8. <p>I just recently picked up an old standard I think it is the earliest version as it has 2 windows with no door closure..When taking pictures do I have to cover both of these up to prevent light leaks??In the manual it describes winding the crank handle continuously for loading the film mine only goes so far then stops then you have to bring it back the go forward again is this right??I am rather new to these old things and it has been years since I have used one so please forgive my ignorance..</p>
  9. <p>Hi all Im interested in purchaseing a digital Leica to replace my Canon sd400..What is the best one for the dollar..I just want one for indoor shots maybe do short videos and very simple to operate. I also would like to be in the $500 range.You all are the pros please help Thank You</p>
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