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Posts posted by noel_beharis

  1. Svante

    Thank you for a helpful review of the lens. I do not understand the technicalities behind the differences in the design of the rangefinder focussing systems between the Leica M camera and the Zeiss Ikon rangefinder camera. I understand though that there are differences.


    Coming from a practical point of view, lens manufacturers could be expected to design a lens that would favour the use of their own camera body rather than a rival manufacturers camera body. Do you think that there is there any possibility that the focus shifting effect of the C Sonnar F1.5 lens is controlled better by the Zeiss Ikon body when compared to a Leica M body?


    Query, did you use a Leica camera body in undertaking the test? Do you know of anyone that has tried the same test on a Zeiss Ikon Body just in case there is a difference? I would like to think it shouldn't make a difference but then again, I don't know.

    Thanks Again


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