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Image Comments posted by acmorrill

    Curve Spectrum


    I really like this shot and I think its one of your best southwest shots so far. I think it could be better if not for the distracting top left corner -- I think if the contrast of the top left were mitigated a bit (or just removed) the shot would be better. Hope you don't mind but I've attached a quick edit to show you what I mean.

    As far as the low ratings -- it certainly is ridiculous, but I think it may just be the way things are for everyone here -- really too bad photo.net hasn't done anything about it really. Good luck.


    "Blue Summer"

    Wow -- most shots like this where part of the image is desaturated kinda don't work for me -- but this is really very striking with the blue background behind the yellow bee. It works as more than just a desat/sat contrast but as a kind of winter/summer contrast. Great job. Andrew


    I think this image has a lot more power than maybe most will recognize. It takes a minute of looking at it to really get the full power but it does come. I really like the very soft and yet surreal feeling you get from such a seemingly ordinary subject. The way the shapes in the snow and ground were arrange is just perfect. Great job. 7/6. Andrew



    I love this shot - really very mesmerizing - and with a twist when you notice the figure. The only suggestion I have is that the very good composition could be improved and focused by further emphasizing the bottom right reflection. I hope you don't mind, but I did a quick curve in photoshop to show you what I mean. In my opinion it makes the composition tighter and makes you focus on the figure instead of the bright reflection on the left side.

  1. I really like the color and composition. The only thing I would suggest is to maybe try and smooth out her lips -- because they aren't super smooth (ie the lip stick) it makes a noticable contrast with the rest of the image. A few spots on the face also seem to be a little too rough (only in comparison to say the hair or just the placid feel of the color palate). Very unique and creative -- great job. 6/6 - Andrew.


    Everything about this photo, from the very high perspective, to the muted/film like color, and the fact that no one is looking towards the camera, gives a feeling of being in the place but not really 'in' it -- like the viewer is a ghost. Image quality and color palette also very pleasing. Great job Gabi. Andrew. 7/7
  2. These comments have made me lose all faith in photo.net users. While I have no problem with digital manipulation (even fairly extreme manipulation) painting color onto a photo is going over the top. The red colors in this photo are obviously completely fake to anyone who knows anything about photography. If you don't believe me just compare the left peaks right side (orange colors) with its reflection (some painted on red colors). Other parts give it away as well but you should get the point. Nice photo otherwise and not a bad photo edit, but you could have made the red paint less obvious. I have no idea why no one else has noticed the problems. I'd be glad to be proven wrong. Good luck.

    a gap

    Wow, I really love this composition. It gives more depth than most any image I've seen, really -- it instantly made me feel like I was there. The color in the sky contrasted with the monotone and gloomy forground, coupled with the "surrounded" feeling of the rocks and narrow passage way "out", gives an intense feeling of solitude. My only problem is that the image quality seems somewhat low. Was is a significant crop? Maybe digital noise? Blocked up shadows? I'm not sure what it is but at full size view the image quality just doesn't seem very crisp. I don't know what kind of equipment you have but maybe its just a poor lens. Also, I would have liked a bit more room at the bottom as the moving water seems cutoff -- alternatively, maybe you could darken slightly the cutoff portions to draw less attention to it. Anyway -- If not for these nitpics I would have given this a 7/7. As it is, 6/7. Really nice work.

    Endert's Beach

    This is wonderful. The last red light in the horizon gives the feeling of hope you get from a lighthouse -- and the colors/shapes/mood give the same feeling. There is also a kind of illusion because the reflection in the ocean is from the light in the opening in the sky and not from the red light, but it seems like its from the red speck -- which gives the red speck added power somehow. Really powerful message to me. So is the red light the sun or something else?
  3. I really like this. Very different than most shots I've seen. Although the sky seems drastically incompatable with the brightness of the forground I still strangly like it. What exactly was done to this shot?

    Aspen on Aspens

    The color in this photo is just right. I think the perspective works very well and there is just enough of the background mountains showing. This way you get a very nice view of those beautiful fields. Also the amount of blue/white to yellow/orange harmonizes well. If more of the mountains were showing it would be a mountain picture and not a soothing summer day feeling picture. The composition with the shadow to the bottom left and darker tree on top right also works great. I really can't think of anything to change. Very nice work. 7/7

    Light Path

    Wow, fantastic light and mood. I would prefer a complete black and white or a version with full color. The almost desaturated version does give it a nice mood but to me it makes it seem too unreal -- to me this reduces its power. Great job.
  4. Very nice photo. I agree with the above comment. The orange is over done especially when compared to the green around it. Also, the cloud really does make the picture so I would suggest maybe a little less forground (very little) with a little more realistic flower/grass saturation and color. Just to clarify, this would look fantastic if it were a painting -- ie it looks great asthetically but as you stare at the flowers you realize its not real. Good shot and good luck. Andrew.


    This shot is simply fantastic and I have no idea why it hasn't been rated above 6 at least in both catagories. The two 3 ratings must have been by people who were color blind or just dumb. Anyway, this is perfect! Great job. Andrew.

    snow fenced


    I really like this shot and composition, but to my taste I think it could use a lot steeper luminosity curve. Also, the colors could be pulled apart significantly in LAB with a saturation curve. Hope you don't mind, I did a quick edit in ps with just these edits. Having looked at your portfolio maybe you just prefer a more subtle and realistic look. The edit is below. Good luck, Andrew.

  5. Very nice shot except for a few flaws. There is a pretty severe yellow cast. Whether the scene had yellow light I don't know, but the color as it is, is very unpleasant for what seems like it should be a calming composition. Better color or just coverting to BW would be better. I hope you don't mind but I did a quick edit below for comparison. If you don't see the yellow cast maybe your monitor is not calibrated? Good luck.

  6. I really like this image. Fantastic color with the violet and green compliments with nice touches of warm colors. Also the composition is very powerful with great detail. The mood is also very nice with the seemingly soft and flowing grass -- like another world you could walk into. I would have rated very high except for the obviously quickly done mask in the background. Aside from a better mask :) maybe a little brighter sky (top right) with some more detail teased out. Also its seems like there is a very slight color cast. One more thing (sorry this is so long), I'm assuming you created the dark gradient toward the middle etc (easy to see because the differential of the walkway foreground and background). I think it would be better to make the gradient on a dark layer that also has increased contrast. In this way the sections that get darker will also retain detail. Hope this helps. Great work! Andrew.
  7. Wow, it took me a few minutes and I thought it was a trick at first but it worked. Very cool and creative. How do you go about making such an effect. The same camera in two different spots? My mind is spinning with ideas for 3d galleries. :) Very nice shot when they are mixed. It serves as a good reminder as to why photographers prefer to be in nature rather than staring at old prints. No matter how good you are at photography it will always be better in real life.
  8. Simply fantastic! I am VERY impressed. Amazing depth, detail, color and range of tones. And very unique. Was this an HDR image? I'm wondering how you got such detail from highlights to shadows. Or maybe two exposures pasted together? (as the highlights in the trees seem to not carry over into the reflection) Very powerful image. 7/7


    The rock could kill superman and the red leaves look like hot coals. :) Hope you forgive the humor. Really a great shot with lots of mood and great balance, but it could be much better with less saturation on reds/greens. The focus seems like it should be down the path under the trees and the colors are just a distraction.

    Gate Gill 3

    Hi again. I've looked at this picture some more and I am really liking it. The greens and orange colors are fantastic and yet subtle. Also the slight blues in the clouds and the reds in the foreground only add character and power. All the elements bring a calming type message. I think if some problems were fixed (if you go back to shoot again) it could get some 7's. Of course you'll have to find the good light again etc but still. Of course it is very difficult to give some help on a place I have never been but I'll try anyway -- maybe if you stood further to the right and crouched down. This would give a little more distance from the sun to the tree, adding balance/ depth, while lessening the tree problem I already mentioned. I don't think the tree has to be fully in the sky but just a little more. Also the line from the fence (stone fence?) could be utilized to bring the eye towards the tree/sun a little better by placing it in the corner. Sorry this so long but I hope it helps somewhat. Good luck. -- By the way I've seen the other shots of the same seen and I think this is by far the best.
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