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Posts posted by rivero

  1. <p>Reviving a super old thread but I've begun compiling a list of ODF-1s I can find on the web, their prices and their history. I'm still not sure if there was a separate run of these in the United States, as some sources claim, but the range of numbers appear to indicate more than 2000 were made available. I still haven't been able to find who this mythical individual from Australia is who claims there were only 2002 ever built.<br>


  2. <p><img src="http://i.imgur.com/nS3gULS.jpg" alt="" /></p>

    <p>Hi everyone!<br>

    I got my hands on a nice Rolleiflex SL35M and I realize it has a pretty bad build reputation, but I figured I could still try and and resuscitate this one. The rewind knob move a bit but does not advance. I've checked that everything beyond the rewind knob works (if I push the shutter button and move the actuators along). Does anyone know of what part could lead to the rewind knob being "unlocked"?<br>

    I checked the self-timer and it works, and this is the non-battery-activated-shutter version (though the battery is new).<br>

    Thanks in advance!<br>


    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/avm58U3.jpg" alt="" /></p>

  3. <p>Hi all,<br>

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/VvI17vSl.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="427" /><br>

    I have a beautiful Canon Demi S but the shutter doesn't seem to trigger and the film winder doesn't advance. It looks pretty solid, so I have a hard time suspecting it's something hardware-related that's broken. But could it be? Does it need film in order to trigger the shutter? I've tried changing the settings and making sure the light meter dial is aligned.<br>


  4. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I own a nice AE1 program so when I stumbled across another at the flea market today I seized at the chance to get it. However, when I look through the viewfinder I see this<br>

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/7cejjNN.jpg" alt="" width="400" height="504" /><br>

    I thought it was the lens, but it turns out otherwise, because I have a couple of fully functioning lenses and it still looks like it does above. I'm familiar with the AE1 to fiddle around with the set-aperture switch at the front and check to make sure the batter is operational. The body looks cosmetically fine, so I was hoping it's a problem on my end or a fixable issue.</p>

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