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Image Comments posted by rose_duclos

  1. I actually really like this, as a portrait - the old man's reflection -and you captured a longing in his face, perhaps for a time lost - would this be called a mid-life crisis car? most definitely!  Would he be too old for such a crisis?  probably.

    Very well done.  And that you managed to do it, without capturing your own reflection with camera. :) very brilliant, for such a shiny subject.



  2. I like the subject, great catch on the different angles of the heads - the claws of the one on the left are eye catching.


    I'm wondering on the DoF of this... one side seems slightly more focused than the other - that left lizard's nose seems very soft compared to the others. But this could just be the shadows/skin coloration around the scales.


    There seems to be too much background on top - and, I'm wondering how it would look if about an inch of it were cropped off.

  3. I love how well this is done - so many different shades of white - and everything is so crisp. It looks more like a painting than a photo. I can imagine this on someone's wall. :)
  4. I noticed that you had this picture both in B&w and color - and, comparing the two - I like this one more.


    I love the texture of this photo, between the fieldstone walls and lower mill, to the wood of the upper mill, and the smooth facing of the wheel and bridge.


    Because it is b&w, the eye is kept on the building, and doesn't get pulled into the greenery of the background.


    very well done.


  5. If you compare the top area, above the windows - one side is 'slightly' thicker than the other - but, this isn't noticable, unless told to look for it (as a prior critiquer mentioned).


    fantastic view - and I love the backdrop of the secondary view through the window.




    This is perfect. I love the flow of the curved banister, the straight steps, matched/carried to the blue stripes of the boy's shirt. the same blue - captured in the lovely, soft-focused sea. The orange color really brings out the subject, even though he shares the limelight with the banister.


    I also like that he's NOT looking at the camera. It's a perfect candid shot - he's not performing.


    the one negative to this photo is in the angle of the back banister-rail, and the way it cuts into the side of his head.

  6. Love the shot - the moon at that angle, with it partly covered by the building - is perfect - but, atanu? was correct that in this one - if you could have gotten more of the water - or cropped it so that the buildings are more centered - the picture would look more even.


    Still - it's rare to see a picture with the moon lower than the NY skyline - and, for that - I think it's a good picture.


    Overall, I am amazed at how many pictures, that you've taken of this subject, and at all different times of the day/night, with clouds and without - I'm impressed at your fortitude for one subject. :D And that you manage always to capture it differently - as if saying that one place can and should have a 1000 separate realities.





    Gotham City


    I actually don't agree with the previous writer - there is just enough reflection - I think more would have killed this image.


    I look at the buildings - and they remind me of circuit boards - they look very flat, and yet, there are angles where there is an added play of light, making this picture feel extremely rich.


    I see this picture and many of the city shots I've viewed in this particular folder, in a circular way - The moon immediately draws the eye - but then you wonder clockwise to the next bright light, at the lower edge of the frame. The lights from the dock, and the main street - lead the eyes back into the photo - and add a bit of color to a shot that feels almost b&W - and, your eye lingers on this color - the dock, the street, the green lights on the other corner. and, then once again - pulling up the picture to the bits of purple and yellow.


    Gotham City, indeed. There is that same flatness to the buildings - where batman would have reigned. and his colors.

  7. Looking at this picture reminds me of city pictures taken in the 50s - the black and white adds to this impression, surely. I love the flat color of the sky, and that there isn't so much light to draw the eye to far in any one direction. The buildings themselves are like large lego builder sets - very square - with each window creating a separate block. I love that the skyline above is like this - because it pulls the eye immediately to those fine straight blockish lines, and it becomes a secondary connection to see what is different - first the crane pointing to the lit face billboard in the far corner, and then down to the other lit sign below it bringing the viewer to the completely different textured buildings on the pier.


    Extremely well done. :)

  8. As I'd stated once before - I am a beginner - but I am more than happy to tell my impression. This photo reminds me more of a lithograph or ink drawing- the way the buildings are all in shadow, some look mis-shapen in the rising light. I love the angle - the dock spreads out under half the picture, as if to underline the awakening scene. Great decision to make it a b/w (rarely will I say that, because I love color) - but here with the sky, and shadows - the b/w effect really works to make this a very artistic rendering of the city.


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