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Image Comments posted by egriffiii

    The Autumn


    Great job! I am not much for portraits but this one I like.  It succeeds where a lot of portraits fail.  It convays a understanding of the person at that momunt in time.



    Sometimes what we want to capture with the camera is more than one picture can do.  I would recommend using HDR technique.  If you only have one photo of your subject try altering the light and contrast to capture the features you want the viewer to experience the most and overlap them.  I have done this on a couple of photos when my differnet camera settings did not turn out.  Good luck and I would love to see what you come up with.

    night light

    Nice contrast of gold to blue, but the top left of the picture fills empty. I myself have just started focusing on twilight hours. Only recommendation is to continue to work on image positioning.



    Hi Lloyd,


    I would have liked to seen more shadows on her face. In my opinion there is not enough depth; it almost looks flat to me.

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