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Image Comments posted by michael_j1

    Mira G.

    A portrait should have both eyes clearly visible, with the face turned more to the front - the front of the face says much more than the side.


    This should have been taken in landscape mode to show more of the background! The background can tell the story of an image of how the boat fits in with daily life.
  1. Very well side-lit, but unfortunately there is no specific focal point: the eye is wandering around the image looking for a specific point of interest! Next time try getting much closer to one specific subject, using it as foreground material thereby using the the remainder of the scene as background.

    Por do Sol

    The sun is too close to centre to make any impact, and the entire image is too dark. Maybe you should have exposed for the mid foreground area to get better light exposure.


    Thankyou Joseph, I never thought for one minute that this image was actually a mirror image! It certainly seems I can learn a lot more if I actually look into someone's brilliance a bit harder. Thanks again.


    There is no specific focal point, your eye seems to just wonder around the frame looking for somewhere to rest! I would like to see a person standing against the rails just to the left of centre; now that would be your point-of-interest!

    Catherine Payn

    There is one thing that absolutely ruins the entire image, your copyright name should be at the very base of the frame, and in very small font! Otherwise, nice shot.

    Harvest Time...


    Nice leading lines directly to the tree. Great work.

    ...On the camera info under the photo, it would be of special interest if you could include the lens type and the focal length with which you deployed for this image instead of the unnecessary memory card details. Thankyou.

  2. Your term 'high key' may possibly mean high amount of light. Well Mr Marx, you have done just that! In fact, you have over-exposed the model to the extent that the skin tone and detail are completely lost, not to mention the backdrop. I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve here.


    This is a great image in B&W, the detail in the corrugations and boot prints is contrasted very well, while the boot prints leading into the distant corner of the scene make you wonder if it's a better world out there!
  3. Mark, you seem to want to change every little nit-picking thing about this wonderful portrait image. I personally think it's such a wonderful and pleasing-to-the-eye piece of photographical bliss! Anita's body-angle to the camera is very flattering for her. If you've done any professional portrait work, then I suggest you submit them. OK? Let's see them!
  4. It's better to crop the image with the camera to get much more impact, such as appears here. Therefore, allowing the whole subject to wallow around in the frame looks unprofessional at best. The camera angle and aspect are terrific! Mick.


    Cropping the top of Kasia's head, her eyes firmly centered and her ready-for-action hair give this image evocative power rarely seen in portrait work. Mick
  5. The slightly over-exposed background may be intentional, which separates Anita's soft and relaxed appeal in this nice portrait. Her crumpled sleeves bring some subtle texture into the image. Mick.
  6. Occasionally, you come across scenes that are absolutely aching to be photographed! From your view-point, the lines from the foreground drawing your eye to the middle-ground fixtures and then through to the beautiful background colours is outstanding. Mick.
  7. At the end of converging lines in an image where they meet in the distance, and having a focal target of a person works well- which is what you have achieved here.

    The cover-stripping around the staircase also works well to frame the theme.

    B&W obviously is best for this photo. John, this is excellent photography.


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