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Posts posted by don_juan2

  1. AFAIK, there should be an issue of DOF for the same lens on different sensor. Mathematically u need to move far

    away from the subject, if you use 1.6x crop factor sensor to capture same FOV as the FF sensor does. That is why,

    physically is it not true that u should get narrow DOF in the 1.6x body (here 40D) for the same setting as 5D?

    (I admit i know very little of photography, so corrent me)

  2. so many arguements here! but one thing to consider, @pankaj, why do u use film slr, if you had been given same specs as P80 in any film P&S film camera were you going to choose that?

    I think Pro photographers rely on DSLR as they are good for improvisation (P&S also but not for professional purpose always), they are still good to capture photograph with higher dynamic range and details which is must for fashion magazines and advertising media and u can't expect to capture a decisive moment from a sports field with a P&S. I think lenses are the greatest factor to choose SLR. and DSLR not meant to use for post processing always. a professional photographer always want his photograph prepared into his camera itself rather than in PS or in another image editing soft. so they still use studio and outdoor lighting equipments.

    and eventually we need to remember that an artist use tool to create art and s/he likes to work with the tools which provide them comfort and adaptibility. at this instance i cannot help reminding u about a moment in Harry Potter "magician doesn't choose the wand, it's the wand who chooses magician" may sound vague but have some sense to ponder about.

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