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Image Comments posted by islandhopper

    Nude 90


    I am distracted by the odd circles around her nipples...with all the things to notice, they stand out.


    I love the hair color against the background, the lighting/coloring works. Otherwise a little plain.




  1. Interesting conversation guys.


    Ramon, what I like is that this picture shows that you had a vision and you have creativity. So many pictures of nudes are simply someone standing against a wall. This photo is not about the nude, it is about the vision, the concept.


    Is it technically perfect? I don't think so, but I have about 10,000 photos that I have taken that I did not execute properly. One can learn lighting and better focus...one can not learn vision or creativity. Perhaps you feel that lighting is exactly what you wanted and this photo is properly executed.


    If the photo was meant to shock, it appears it did shock some members...good job.


    If the photo was meant to raise awareness...I went to your web site and read a little...good job.


    If the photo was to show that you are the best technical photographer on the planet...well, I think you failed there.


    Keep sharing, Ramon.


    To Michael and Adam.

    Adam said "If the photo was of a child being molested...."

    to which Michael responded "...it would be a crime."

    Score one point for Adam as Michael was responding about the CONTENT of the image and not the lighting. Michael, that was Adam's point.


    I think you two helped shape the debate about the image. Let's keep the focus (pun intended) on the image.


    Thanks, guys.

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