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Posts posted by grassirm

  1. I often exhibit matted prints for sale, and am debating the best way to have them mounted.

    I have used removable tape as well as acid-free mounting tape, and am experimenting with spray mounted

    technique permanently mounting them on.to foam board.

    Do most buyers expect to rematt them to their preference.??

    Should I be using a removable method or permanently adhere them to the matting of my choice??

  2. thank you all very much for your input, and specifically for recommending the individual printers which you have experienced. As there are so many on the market, your recommendations for most helpful and focused.

    Thanks again Bob G.

  3. I need to replace my current HP printer with a good quality non-HP product in the $150-250 range which is easy to

    install and use. I do a fair amount of quality printing, am interested in a single function printer, not an all-in-one.

    the cannon M990 has been recommended as filling these needs. Any thoughts or recommendations for someone

    with moderate Internet experience using elements 8

  4. I had just about completed my website on ImagePRO, and attempted to turn the photos in each gallery into a

    slideshow. I'm not quite sure what happened but whatever I did, changed the images in both the galleries on

    ImagePRO and photo net into photo identification such as DSC 2200 rather than the original images which were

    present. Also when I import new images to my workspace folders in photo.net they also appear as identification

    numbers rather than images. The original images in my workspace portfolio/folders can still be seen as a slideshow



    In trying to link my ImagePRO galleries to photo.net, I can only import these identification numbers but no images or


    slideshows. Can I turn the photo identification numbers back into images which that I can link to ImagePRO?

    Can the slideshows that are still present in photo.net be linked or imported to my image Pro galleries

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