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Image Comments posted by david.de.orueta



    Hi Paul


    First things first: I like it. Second, I believe it might have a slight green cast (?) And that you still can apply some more levels (or curves) to make it more alive... more snap (bit more work in the darkroom :). best regards...

    Elena B&W

    You have to check levels after the conversion, there is not much white in this one, and IMO to much grey. I'm sure you can improve it. Nice photo. Regards.


    Jim, I have seen some of your wide angle approaches, and I think this one is very very nice. I'm actually quite surprised to see a wide angle working so well. May i say; "you did it"! Congratulations! It's not "far out" it's superb. Regards.

    Sandra 2

    Absolutely excellent. Nice texture, light and color. Being very picky; the crop is very tight, and maybe a bit to tight, the format is very narrow. It all depends on the final use. Perspective on her forehead also seems a little bit strange. Suggestion; crop just above her eyebrow, and widen the image to the sides a little (even fill black to the left for more space). Just some thoughts. Brilliant photo, congratulations. Regards.
  1. Sorry Joshua, I don't know enough about b/w conversion to give you a definite answer. Maybe Tony can? But I think Tony is right about including absolute white and black (except in some rare cases with very light or dark images). The point is, that a bad conversion will give you an unnatural and dull looking image with no "punch" (and I have seen plenty of examples). Try use Layer>new adjustment layer>channel mixer, it will give you the benefit of being able to redo the setting any time you want. For color correction my favorite is; Layer>new adjustment layer>levels, and then I adjust each color separately, and finally I adjust the RGB level for brightness control. Regards.
  2. a very beautiful photo. I like it, but the skin seems to bright, loosing texture and shades. I imagine this is converted from color and I think I wouldn't brighten the red tones so much in the b/w conversion. Excellent. Regards.
  3. Gee if just everybody would ask for critique like you do! IMO Alpo is right about that the soft tone is nice here, but maybe a bit more contrast is needed, and btw I find converting to b/w very difficult. By "channel mixer" do you refer to the new function for b/w conversion in ps c3? Regards.


    I do like the light on the wheels, but I find the sun stroked part on the right very disturbing. Sun is hight so no easy remedy. IMO I would try to darken left down (and upper) corner in ps or even crop but at a high price, since the perspective would be lost. Regards.


    Very nice! There is something about the horizontal tilt that I'm not quite sure about. I tried to some different tilts in ps; with the horizon straight, changing the tilt to the other side, even exaggerating this tilt. Is this a crop or is this the full image? If you have some more space, I would try to experiment a bit more with the tilts. And maybe not be afraid to crop parts of the cars, if you can achieve even more sensation of speed... just some thoughts. Regards.
  4. Very beautiful! I like it a lot. It think that this kind of picture is perfect for the use of the HDR technique. There are some very nice HDR pictures uploaded by some other users. Try have a look at for example Dan Person's work for inspiration, if you are interested. Regards.


    Norm, a very beautiful shot. I'm trying to figure out what to think about the sunglasses mark around her eyes and over her nose. What is it exactly? Not sure, but if it's a conceptual "sunburn" maybe an outdoor would enhance the concept... Regards.


    Tore, I didn't see it was a scan. Now I'm even more curious about the post processing; how, and with what, did you reduce the granulation in her face and chest? Regards.


    I like it very much. To me it seems that you did to much processing in ps. I would like to see the original photo less sharpened / softened but same colors. Regards.
  5. What I like the most is the double (actually triple) wave on the shore and the red reflection on the water. Also the coming shadows on the cliff. Wonder what it would look like closer to sunset. Regards.

    Mystic Moment

    I believe that you ask if it's to centered on the horizontal line. IMO no, it's quite nice like it is, but maybe to "centered" on the vertical line. In this particular case, i don't think the lower part with the sand is needed , and could be cropped (halfway to the stub), moving the eye and attention to the upper and, IMO, more interesting part of the image. Regards.

    Vases On Table

    Very nice photo. I love vases. Composition is nice and calm. Not sure, maybe a bit to much highlight on the left vase. Personally I don't like the color of the border, but that's just my taste to that green. I would try black, maybe combined with a redish color close to the red colors of the vases. Regards.

    Tufa Panorama

    Shame on you, don't apologies for taking or uploading a very nice photo, even if it's a sunset or a duck, or bother about thinking that others might have done it better. Where would we be, if everybody did that? Enjoy what ever you do, with no hesitation or second thought to what others might think or do. I like your Tufa Panorama. Period. Cliffs are crisp and color is nice. Nice portfolio btw, keep shooting. Best wishes to your wife. Regards.


    Today is moon day. Nice shot. If you want some more detail you'll need a 600mm+ lens. And then do the moon when its not full, to get some more shadows and reliefs on the craters. There are some amazing moon pictures posted previously on PH with telescoping lenses. Regards.
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