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Image Comments posted by frakkas




    "In sociology, the self refers to an individual person from the perspective of that person. It is the individual's conception of himself or herself, and the underlying capacity of the person's mind or intellect which formed that conception (one's "true self"). ".

  1. Thank you all for your kind comments.


    As to the quality of the picture, I had just been reading tutorials on "film grain"-PS-filters before this capture. So I tried to apply different filters on this one. I wish I hadn't done that. Well, you live - you learn.


    - Larsen.



    If I should rate this as a "Street photography" you would get a low score.


    Do you think this picture belongs in the "Street" category?


    Nice picture with a good "slice of life".


    It seem a bit dark, but it could be due to the fact that I'm looking at an uncalibrated screen right now.


    I think the boy with the dog is the main subject here. Because of the background being more light and contrasty the attention is drawn away from the boy. Have you tried to increase the overall contrast in the picture? Maybe dodge the forground a litte?


    - Larsen

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