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Posts posted by callyolson

  1. <p>Ok so here is the question, I just upgraded my camera to a full frame Nikon. Super Excited until... I plugged in the sd card to my mac and found that both Lightroom and Photoshop said files could not be recognized! AHHHH so frustrated. So after research I found that Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5 are not compatible with the new Nikon format. SO if I JUST upgrade my lightroom to LR5 will I solve the problem? my workflow is... import to lightroom all edits across all pictures in the batch and then edit in photoshop for any that need major work. If I upgrade my lightroom but not my photoshop when I go to "edit in" will it work or no?<br>

    Anyone try this? What do you suggest I do? If I was a full time photographer I would jump to the CC for $10 a month but I could go 3 or so months between edits. Thanks for all, any feedback.</p>

  2. <p>I shot newborn triplets for a friend and now am kicking myself because I had my ISO at 1600. getting the pictures on my computer they have bad noise. (of course because my iso should have been at 400 tops).<br>

    So outside of I messed up my settings I need to save these images. Can you help I have never really had to take noise out of my images before. (at least not with great luck)<br>

    Editing software I have is Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5. There are about 25 images I am going to need to correct so I can syn the settings in lightroom or batch in photoshop, I am comfortable in both.<br>

    Help and thanks.</p>


  3. <p>Jeff, thanks for your reply, thinking in terms of picking those money shots to spend extra time is probably a no brainier, but not the approach I have thought of... Silly me. I am going to start looking at my jobs that way... Do you wait and decide on your "money shot" after the first round of editing everything or do you leave those untouched completely til the end? (Did you already mention some of that answer?) <br>

    A lot of you are pointing to Lightroom, however, Matt, you mentioned Capture NX2, but described it much like how it sounds like Lightroom works. So the question... Why Capture not Lightroom?</p>

  4. <p>I am loving the answers thanks everyone. I have not finished reading them all but I did want to address two comments I am seeing.<br>

    Yes my intent is to stay in the post process area of my workflow, I understand that "picture quality" starts with in camera, but after that what do you do?<br>

    Dan S. Yes I kept details of me vague because I don't really want advise on what I should do, rather, what did you do that your felt was your biggest improvement in this area. Some will not apply to me but some might.<br>

    I will finish reading and see if I have more questions, Dan and Matt thanks for your WB replies, they helped.</p>


  5. <p>Matt when you say, "batch-process images that share (or should) the same white balance or other characteristics." Are you doing this inside Photoshop? I would love to keep or change my white balance more consistently then I do... that was my frustration with my last job... I was talking to someone who said they found Lightroom to make this easiest for them. So I thought I would pry a bit more your steps on this one.</p>
  6. <p>Thanks Dan, I do want to point out that I currently I use Photoshop for 100% of my editing but I feel that I could use it better, curves is just one item I am sure I could be smarter about that part in my process. However yes I know the essentials you listed, and use them all the time, even curves, I just know I can use curves for more then I do, and Photoshop as a whole I want to know the advanced features it has to offer.</p>
  7. <p>What was the biggest change you made in your post process work-flow that helped you work more efficiently and improved your picture quality? I am looking at changing some thing around myself and wondering what are the best steps are that will help my flow and quality. So I am curious what helped you?<br /> Here is what I am looking at doing if you did any of these where was your biggest payoff? -- finally switching to raw, looking at buying Lightroom, looking at creating (or purchasing) more actions, taking a class to learn curves and other advanced P.S. abilities better.<br /> Thoughts? What took you to the next level?</p>
  8. <p>Here is my advice (this is how I work on improving):<br>

    Set up a project (like a homework assignment), outline what you want the end results to look like.<br>

    Look at the results and analize the 1 biggest area you failed.<br>

    Research that 1 area specifically using library/books, this forum, online google searches anything you can get info from.<br>

    Identify a new technique or method to fix in your work flow.<br>

    Try again, the same project but this time implementing what you learned.<br>

    Compare results... Repeat!</p>

  9. <p>That is exactly what I was looking for thank you. I know what you mean about the center spot, and I might go to that, but want to try this first. Currently my camera is set to wide, I don't know if I changed that at some point or if I have never changed it. Anyway I will pay with both the center idea and with local. I like the idea of controlling it myself but we will see once I try.<br /> Again thank you!</p>
  10. <p>Yes thank you for that direction. I actually understand that. My point is not if you believe I should have both eyes and nose in focus, but rather that my goal was for the eyes to be in focus and they were not. SO therefore which buttons/toggle to I push to actually tell the camera to change the point of focus. It might be a basic question, but instead of changing to manual focus how to I select my focus point in AF?</p>
  11. <p>So I am trying to learn how to selective focus my camera, I have a Sony a350. I would love to have more control on the focus area when I have a shallow DOF, last time I tried to get a blurred background I have the nose in perfect focus but not the eyes.</p>

    <p>So I went to the Sony manual and here is what I found on page 73,<br>

    Wide, Spot and Local. But then it really does not give step by step what to do or even what each one does.</p>

    <p>Can anyone help me?</p>


  12. <p>My current resume is on my work computer. Here is the basic experience that is on there, although I also have some volunteer experience too which involves working with children from 2 to high school.</p>

    <h2 id="yui-gen10" title="Drag to rearrange profile sections">Education</h2>

    <h3>Azusa Pacific University BS, Business Marketing 2001 – 2005</h3>

    <p ><em>Activities and Societies:</em> SIFE Marketing Internship</p>

    <p > </p>

    <h2 id="yui-gen8" title="Drag to rearrange profile sections">Experience</h2>

    <h3 >Supervisor, Seminar Systems Unit at Jackson National Life Distributors LLC</h3>

    <p >February 2010 – Present (8 months)</p>

    <p >Have not updated the responsibilities on this new position yet. But its managerial in nature and alot of admin and interpersonal skills.</p>


    <h3 >Operations Coordinator at Jackson National Life</h3>

    <p >January 2008 – February 2010 (2 years 2 months)</p>

    <p >In this position I wore several different hats, I acted as the assistant to the AVP, an event coordinator, a project manager, a marketing designer and the department coordinator.</p>

    <p >Managed over 140 marketing projects through the creation process and regulatory review to insure their usability for seminar events and department marketing.<br />Trained new hires within the department on job responsibilities.<br />Organized focus groups to capture general public opinions of financial topics.<br />Designed educational PowerPoint presentations for financial seminars.<br />Coordinated the approval of marketing pieces for use with financial companies through the National Accounts department.<br />Maintained reporting for the department to review overall numbers and goals.<br />Processed and tracked invoices for department spending, including all seminar invoices.<br />Managed and planed high maintenance seminars on behalf of Support Specialists.<br />Manipulated logos in Photoshop for the using in seminar invites.<br />Created and designed new invitation templates for the department using Adobe Photoshop.</p>

    <h3 >Seminar Support Specialist at Jackson National Life</h3>

    <p >February 2006 – January 2008 (2 years)</p>

    <p >The main responsiblity of this position was to coordinate all the details of educational seminars for Financial Advisors.<br /><br />Managed and planned over 250 client acquisition events.<br />Communicated to Wholesalers and Financial Advisors event status, deadlines and expectations.<br />Maintained expectations and relationship with the mailing vendor Customer Service Representatives. <br />Coordinated the menu, flow of the evening and overall details with restaurants.<br />Delivered corporate presentations to audiences of 15+ people.<br />Created marketing material and invitations for each event.</p>

    <p > </p>


  13. <p>John, When you say the skills are most important, you mean editing along with technical skills too right? How do you list those in a resume? Both areas I am working on but I would not consider myself as limited as an amateur. Curves I know I need to know more, but I improve so much every "session" practice or not that I shoot, both technically and in editing. How would you suggest I describe that?</p>

    <p>Zach, I feel that she wants some outside photo work expierence too so I am not sure a CV will work and even so I would not have really anything to fill that. But I will read through the link to see what I can pull out thanks.</p>

    <p>Thank you both for your fast feedback.</p>

  14. <p>Has anyone written a Photography Resume that can help me out? A photographer that I would love to learn from asked for one for me to apply as her assistant. I am at a loss at where to start and what to say. Do I list the few paying jobs I have had? what education I have had or can I put books I read? I guess what is she looking for really. My experience is limited but I do have some. about 3 paying clients, some volunteer, some education, both editing and photo, but mostly I am self taught.</p>

    <p>Thanks for any help and advise!</p>

  15. <p>Kevin I agree with you, minus one issue, its not just him, if he was gone tomorrow the whole party will continue with the same agenda.</p>

    <p>Michael to your point without the political aspect. Yes this is a huge problem I wish that my hobby was currently a job but its not, and actually this type of requirement might prevent me from making a business out of photography. Which was my 3 year plan. Do you know if I am not a business owner can I send an email.</p>

  16. <p>Sad fact is... MOST teenage girls who already struggle with self image wont know that this is post processed. And if they do it wont make a difference, they will still look at this picture and think that this is what they "should" look like to be considered beautiful!</p>
  17. <p>Does your Minolta lenses work on the alpha mount system? If so then yes it will work with Sony. I would take a lens into your local camera store and try it out. I love my Sony, (I have a minolta film camera from before) and have had an easy move over to the DSLR. It sounds like you have some great lenses at your desposal so I would try and just build the DSLR body to fit in with your current kit.</p>
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