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Image Comments posted by zambaras

    Jump #4


    Although well captured, the pp treatment chosen, is in my view not appealling. It makes the photo looks like a collage, a sepia background which is visually totally detouched from a high contrast, bright sunbathed moto and motocyclist.  Regards, Nassos


    The first word that crossed my mind trying to describe what I am looking at was 'ephemeral': the tones, the steps of the staircase, the cloth, all implying the relentless passage from one state to the next. Best, Nassos
  1. Yet another great piece of work in your portfolio. Very interesting how the warmth and the strength of the human element is counterbalanced by the cool light coming in from the pulled curtain on the other side.

    Best wishes for a great Xmas season and a prosperous new year to you and your family. Nassos

    Here Lies

    Several valid points above from a technical point of view, yet all in all the treatment works great for me. I like the vigneting, gives an eerie feeling, and the lighting of the cemetery seems to be bursting through from the opening in the sky. Best, Nassos.



    One of the most 'anarchic' photos on this site! Everything is scattered all over the place, seemingly at random, yet such a story telling. A great street shot. Best, Nassos



    This is a photo in need of a story. Eyes piercingly expressive but is it agony? despair? may be fear? The totaly blackened backround - good choice of large negative space, leaves no clues to the viewer. As if he has run in front of you holding the large bottle of coke (with water) waiving for help. Very good work! Nassos

    Fallen in fall


    Very good eye! It clearly stands out compared the hundreds of the stereotype 'moody forest tree landscapes' of this web site, Creative eye, original, very well done! Regards, Nassos



    I like this shot a lot. Well balanced composition with strong foreground, good DOF, interesting sky and the human presence adds perspective. There is a noticeable yellowish cast though that could be easily removed so the whites come out natural and the colours become more vivid - actually, a slight increase of the saturation would also work out nicely, Rgds, Nassos

    HYSTER 45

    This could not be anything else than Meyer photography! Imaginative composition, with a subtle touch of humour, a tad of symbolism, and always with something more to it than meets the eye. The high contrast processing fits perfectly the coldness of the iron gate and of the steel vehicle, not to mention the color combination of the orange-yellow-green continuum. Great work! Nassos

    Coastal Blues

    Aesthetically impeccable. I like the combinations of yellow and blue as well as the cloudless sky, which matches perfectly the stillness and emptiness of the water surface. Best, Nassos
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