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Posts posted by sbrown45

  1. I purchased Microsoft Digital Image Pro a couple of years ago. The main reason for choosing it was the $49.99 price which was within my budget at the time. However, I have to say I've been very happy with it. You can probably do all the adjustments you would like with the program. It is very user friendly. I won't bore everyone with a lot of details, but if you want more information on what it will do, you can email me. I just checked Microsoft's website to see if you could download a free trial and found that they are discontinuing the software, but you can probably find it on EBay.
  2. I personally prefer using my Nikon Coolwalker for downloading and storing my photos since along with storing them I can also view the photos. I have several 1 GB cards, so while one card is happily downloading in my belt pack I'm shooting with another card. Then when I make the trek back to my Jeep I just have to hook the Coolwalker up to my laptop and copy everything over from there. (I use power invertors in my Jeep to keep my batteries charged while I'm cooling off in the air or warming up with the heater!) I also back up everything to DVDs before I even touch the photos. That way if I mistakenly delete something I can go back and retrieve it from the original files.
  3. If you are not allowed to give a rating lower than a 3/3 then what is that teaching the photographer who is asking for an honest critique? (Let's forget about whiners and crybabies for a minute.) I have just recently joined and have not posted any for critique yet, but don't want 3/3 or above simply because the system won't allow for a lower score! I want to know what people honestly think or I wouldn't be posting photos. (Hmmm...could that be the hesitation instead of time constraints...LOL) Honestly, I want to know what people think but I also want them to tell me what it is about the photo that they don't like and that I could improve.
  4. It's not only old men who have problems. I have MS and some days I wonder if I'm even going to make it out of bed. I'm looking for those things that will make it easier for me to get out and do my photography. I still work full time and really only have weekends to spend on it. I use a backpack to carry my camera and gear, but still have a very hard time some days. I absolutely refuse to give up my photography so I'm open to any suggestions.
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