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Image Comments posted by josephmolieri

    The musician pause


    The guy has character for sure.  The photo captures some if it but I think it could be improved with better lighting and perhaps a better angle.

     This is somewhat subjective though because I think the harsh lighting and the profile shot in some ways contribute to the oddness of it all, the realness of life.  ....

    The Chase #2


    Solid photo. It does seem a bit jumbled compositional.  I'm not a nature photog much and I'm a little confused about what's happening and what the one eagle is holding.  An explanatory caption would help me better appreciate the photo.

  1. The photograph has content but it's lacking alot.
    The message is almost too obvious and there is really nothing else keeping the photo together. Take out either the muslim women or the woman in the bikini and there is nothing more to say about the photo. The people are totally disengaged and uninterested in each other there is no interaction happening. It almost looks like a candid paparazzi shot of a celebrity.

    There's something there but doesn't cut it as a decisive moment.



    Solid picture.  Was this a "moment" or was this a set and lit shot?  It looks lit by the catch light in her eye.... It'd be nice to have a a little rim light to separate her from the background just a bit.  It has a nice "moment" quality to it though.

  2. Very creative image. I would crop it to have even amounts of blacks on either side, I find the extra black on the left takes my eye out of the picture. And I may want to see just an outline of the heads or something to let me know they are there.


    Beautiful. The colors, composition, and subject matter really bring this image together well. I would say lose the drop shadow and beveled edges though, and the top left hand corner looks blocky/pixelated but I know its not part of the original image.


    I'd say get rid of the drop shadow. But as for the picture I really enjoy it. The colors are wonderful. I think you could use the hay rolls to make a better composition but its not terrible. Good job overall.


    great editorial shot. Blatantly straightforward and boring in my personal opinion but I suppose thats what is wanted in editorial. The focus is a little uncertain, the can is in the foregrand and it isn't sharp, the car doesn't look to sharp either. Maybe its just me but I think a stronger area of focus could help the image.
  3. compositionally this is an awseome shot. It looks a little overprocessed, possibly a pretty serious crop. Overall It could use a bit more work tonally to make the image a little more cleaner. Possibly what I'm looking for is more sharpness. But with these technical things aside I still find it a very compelling image! Good job.

    in the kitchen...

    I don't feel it is as strong an image as the others. The composition is good but not compelling. My eye is drawn to the bright window and then to the darkness underneath the table, more emphasis could be put on the woman through dodging and burning. The scene is interesting and has a lot of potential but I think the texture could be much sharper, even just by doing a little post sharpening if not closing down. It is a decent shot but I'm not convinced it is a great shot. Keep at it though!

    morning sands

    well done. The composition is great. I would like to see a bit more detail in the wood in the center of the image. My eye begins where there is a bit of detail and then is thrown off when it goes to mostly shadows. The lines of the sand do a great job of guiding me through the image into the ocean. :)


    This picture caught my eye. A little more work and it could be great. I'd try to isolate the lady and scooters a little more by shooting at a sligthly different agnle. Also I'd dodge her skin to help draw a bit more emphasis to her.
  4. You got the expression and passion which tells alot. Technically though it looks like the highlights are blown out in the faces and the focus was missed. I think it landed somewhere behind her. Get those things next time and the image can be even more effective.
  5. Great Image, After reading he was only wiping dust from his eyes it makes it a little less powerful but the image still stands. Seeing a guy with a bullet riddled wall in the pose he is in certainly makes you look twice. Very well done Derek!
  6. His pose is interesting but its outweighed by the rest of the picture. I don't think the background surroundings add anything. It would be better next time to just zoom in and get a nice close up. My eye wants more detail and expression with the guy the surroundings can go.


    I think its OK as an image indicating what is happening but it is a bit dull in emotion, action or expression which is what I think is preventing this image from really engaging the viewer. Compositionally it is good and its good to see the one guys eye/head between the arm and head of the other fighter. But I feel this really only works compositionally and doesn't add much beyond that.

    Ominous Coast

    The water is flowing in a wonderful s curve from the center, it is emphasized and complimented with the clouds mimicking the swirl. Other than the vignetting or more likely just the overall darkening around the top (a tiny bit more than I'd like) this is an outstanding waterscape shot. Good job!
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