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Image Comments posted by defiant

  1. Arnoud,


    While I believe what you say is true, the photograph itself is just an act, it was 'supposed' to get people to react. The general layman would not know where it would hurt the most when they have a heart attact (except for those who already had one). It is not real and most probably never intended the heart attack to be realistic (like in Holloywood movies, they always grab the heart, think deeper maybe it was a sneer at Hollywood). It was a staged photo which creates a very convincing atmosphere. It was well planned and well executed.


    While I agree that this is a critique forum and 'taste' is very subjective. There is a HUGE difference between constructive criticism and just plain nastiness. Those who think they can do better, instead of talking about it. do it and show us.





    Alex, you are quite the accomplished photographer.


    Not sure if this is the place to ask questions, as I am new here, but if I am overstepping a boundry do let me know.


    I was just wondering what sort of lens would you be using to do model/fashion shoots? Also you say you used a 1m umbrella? What does that mean exactly? Can you explain the lighting set up so a beginner like myself can understand?




    Great photo again.



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