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Image Comments posted by claudiabejan

    Stop murder

    • This was taken on 7 june, which was 3 days before my wedding :) I went on this over 1000 km trip to our capital many times. We have been fighting since 1st of March 2011 to stop this mass genocide. And we won! Good, all my pregnancy I have been therfore fighting with a result, my child won't live to see the horrors I have seen. And most of all no animal shall be slaughtered for the 'fun' of it and the political interest and gain!

    11th of January 2012 The Consitutional Court declared the euthanasia of stray dogs as a method of control as UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This is a huuuuge victory for the dogs and for us animal rescuers!!!!!!!!!!  

    love animals


    so, so far it's not good, they vote at 12.30 but since 10 they talked if they change any parts of the law [and they did]
    so if they will vote the new law will have even parts removed, parts that are not featured in any other laws as legal or ilegal so that means  legal by omision and that part is not a good but regarding if dog fights are legal or not
    so if they vote to kill all dogs they also make pitbull fights or any dog fights, legal

    the bastards, why don't other countries from UE wish us out of the UE, to punish our leaders, people would be mad with them for getting us thrown out, maybe than they protest and over throw this government!

    yesterday they wanted to postpone the law from being voted today 

    so they voted if they should postpone the vote
    65 pro 61 against and 5 not decided and the decision is...... against. how? how is that possible, well they add 61 against with 5 not decided and 66 is more than 65 so the law shall not go back to be re-examined. I like underline it is a law, not a game, it's a vital law not any law  

    love animals


    think outside yourself. live compassionately. stop violence.


    Most of the Romanians that abuse their animals get, at most, some

    small fines, even if for the crimes they commit, the law recommends

    prison term. In the USA, torturing a horse or dog would be punishable

    with years in prison. In Romania, abusing animals is not seriously

    punished. Animal abuse does not lead to harsh sentences for the

    abusers. In the very few instances in which the police intervenes, the

    police gives the smallest fines possible, when the real punishment

    should include confiscating the animal and sending the human abuser to

    prison. The instances of cruelty towards animals are anything but rare.


    ! Local authorities from all over Romania have been informed that

    MONDAY (today) the law of killing stray dogs (and even those from

    people's yards where neighbors does not want dogs around!) will be

    adopted! And if not, the Government wants to give n emergency

    ordinance to do it without the consensus of Romanian Parliament! Local

    authorities are in stand-by to launch the massive killing campaign, and

    police and the gendarmerie were instructed how to brutally crush the

    resistance of animal lovers! They plan to sent to 7-12 years in jail any

    animal lover who tries to stop the dog catchers, by accusing them of

    attacking the law men!


    please sign and share: EU must have an unified policy for stray animals

    w w w .eu-protest1.aerztefuertiere. d e

    piano nights


    It's just a girl that played the piano in a recital I went to, classical music, private audition for some 20 - 25 people, I had a friend that also was part of the event and so it was that I had an invitation.

    I had my zoom, stayed at the very bottom of the room, had no flash, no umbrella but I gave it a shot anyway :D

    I am aware that door sucks big time but I still like the photo, I like the way the piano curves in parallel with her breasts for example :)


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