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mphoto gallery

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Image Comments posted by mphoto gallery



    Very nice lighting. I wonder what it would look like in landscape?


    The lighting as said is great. Not knowing that these were breakers would lead the viewer to wonder what was on the other side as there is no apparent detail in the water.



    The lighting and shadows take away from the subject. It's a challenge I know....


    Perhaps too much shy?


    The detail in the hill leading to the ruins is missing which would help with the fact that the ruins are kind of small in the image.

    Country Lane


    Hi Dennis. Generally the first thing I see (or don't) is the framing of a subject. If I don't notice it, that's probably a good thing.


    In this case, your subject is dead smack in the middle. And given the title, I am not sure if the tree and flowers is the subject or if it is the contrast between the road and the tree or....


    I wonder what it would look like had you been further back from the tree and flowers and had more road. You could have also stood in the middle of the road if you wanted to have the mailbox, flowers and trees hold detail. I use the "rule of thirds" often when I evaluate my own images and it works for me. At times, the subject can be dead center or in a non-traditional location in the image. In this case, I think you would have a very usable image had it fit with the thirds guideline. That, too, may have helped the underexposed spot in the trees become less noticable.


    With different framing, I imagine this would be a nice shot!

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