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Posts posted by michael_toohey2

  1. some further information, should anyone else stumble on this thread in hope of gauging the quality of Braun Glass before purchase.


    I agree with Wiggy re. the squinty viewfinder. The RF patch is tiny, focussing a 13.5cm Tele-Enalyt is an exersise in patience rather than speed. Even capturing slow moving row-boats on a sluggish river became 'action photography'.


    I've read all the dire warnings re mechanical reliability, But personally my SuperII B L and SuperII L are perfect performers. The Bewi meter in the B L is still plenty accurate enough for colour print film.


    But to business.


    Staeble-Werk BRAUN-Katagon 2.8/50. Surprisingly good. Amazingly flare prone, so use a hood, but if flare can be controlled, the lens is sharp & contrasty when stopped down to f8.



    Staeble BRAUN-Color-Ultralit 2.8/50. This is a much more modern lens than the Katagon. I suspect that the coating is better, hence the 'Color' bit. It is also much more ergonomic, resembling a 'modern' manual 50 in its design. And the front element is well recessed in the barrel, making it a self-shading lens. All this makes it a fast handling, moderately fast 50 with nice sharpness and less tendency to flare.



  2. If you are still interested in Paxette gear, try this excellent little page to help sort out the nomenclature:



    I have just started using a Super Paxette II B L, which is not the prettiest Paxette, but possibly the most usable of the 39xM1 thread Paxettes.


    Paxettes have a reputation for fragility and awkwardness. They are reputably difficult to repair, so don't touch one that isn't clicking properly!


    The lenses are not awesomely sharp, but not as bad as some people make out (ain't that always the case).


    Having said all that, I can't work out why FSU cameras with a dodgy build reputation gather more interest in the old camera world than these cute wee German interchangeable lens rangefinders. Is it the ability to fit Leitz lenses that most of us will never be able to afford?


    The Braun Paxette ain't pretending to be anything it's not. It walked its own technically interesting walk when it came to camera design and if you find a working one you'll have fun using it. I have a hunch that the Paxette screw mount lenses will be more readily available than the III series bayonet lenses (especially judging by all the people on the forums asking if they'll fit their LTM bodies!)Down here in New Zealand Super Paxette II regularly turn up on internet auctions.

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