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Posts posted by muralikallem

  1. That doesn't look good. There is a lot of noise too, were these shots terribly under exposed and turned up in post, though that doesn't look like banding brought out by raising shadows, was this correct exposure? Grasping at straws, but try another memory card to rule that out. We're you using any alternate firmware like Magic Lantern that could have done something, just asking. You could try resetting the camera to factory spec. But it may be a camera issue. Hopefully the camera is still under warranty. I am thinking it is a camera issue, could be a bad sensor, bad connection, cracked board, was the camera in a wet or damp place, extreme conditions. Sending it back to Canon Service may be your only course of action. That's a bummer. :-(



    I tried with Auto ISO. Camera is new but i cut the UPC for mailin rebate. Im thinking Adorama can help exchange. You thunk it could be a memory card issue?


    Camera wasn’t in wet condition btw

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