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Posts posted by digi_mon

  1. OK so what then is the mandate of this forum and of picture-of-the-week? Is it pictures

    (leica/rangefinder or not) from photographers who are "also" leica/rangefinder photogs and

    who happen to take some good non-leica/rangefinder photos once in a while, or is it

    something more confusing - a forum for an "in-group" to share photos?

  2. I am having a crisis of conscience. I inherited some expensive leica gear from a relative who died (an M6

    and a very nice newish summilux 35mm ASPH 1.4). I have used it off and on and while I love the

    portability, the quietness, and the quality of the lens, I find it takes me a lot of time (which I don't have a

    lot of these days) to get film/slides processed, scanned, and then post-manipulated.


    I also use a canon DSLR, a very good one, but of course it's heavier, bigger, and noisier (acoustically I

    mean). I love how fast it is to get a shot from the memory card to the computer. I only have one lens for it

    (24-70mm f/2.8) and I would like to buy two more (135mm f/2 and 16-35mm f/2.8) (they are expensive

    although not as expensive as leicas).




    I would like to hear from people who have actually sold leica equipment to fund the purchase of DSLR



    Do you regret it? Would you command-Z (undo) if you could?



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