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Image Comments posted by luis_bascones

    Dusty Death


    I think Peter's comment is not about whether this is art, even though his tone also raises this question. His specific question is more around whether this is photography or not.

    Well, this is a creation based on mixed media, not different from paintings on top of sculptures, or poetry on top of paintings. In this case it's graphic artistry on top of photograpy (the author did take the main photo). So I guess the answer to whether this is photography is 'yes and no'. The bigger question is 'Why does it matter?'


    The era of separation of artforms dissapeared in the second half the the last century, and, even though you may like it or not, combining media and artforms is extremely common these days.


    As far as whether this is art or not, if it has a creative component, then it is art (my own definition). Is it high art? is it wortwhile art? That is up to you. Does it stimulate your senses or your intellect? If neither, then it's just another instance (or form altogether) of art that doesn't resonate with you. We all have preferences. The best thing to do is to move on to the next item and try again. No point in puting down something that we don't get.


    My $.02,







    The differences in opinions I am reading here are clearly cultural clashes. I know because I have been exposed to them so many times. I was born and grew up in (catholic) South America, lived in Europe as a kid (Holland), and now live in the US. I can think of so many things that bring up differences in moral perceptions, but nudity of any form is par to none.


    Cultural differences must be kept in mind in the Global Village. In some countries, any form of skin exposed has a strong sexual context and hence will be found morally questionable. Even photos of children wearing bathing suits here in the US would be considered exploitative in some places. Moral values are localized and it would be hard to come up with a globally acceptable set of guidelines delimiting the gray areas of this issue.


    When I see pictures like this I try to understand the intent of the photographer, and whether I feel it has been conveyed in the photograph. As hard as I can try, I do not see anything exploitative in this photo. I see youth; I see vulnerability and perhaps a little sadness maybe even loneliness. I see those attributes more than the proposed thoughtfulness. But I definitely do not see anything remotely questionable.


  1. Igor,


    I've been watching your pictures for a while. I have refrained from commenting on them until now since, while I find them technically excellent; I also find them very disturbing.


    I believe the lighting, tonality, composition, and level of detail in most of your photos are very good to excellent. But regarding the subject matter, I perceive a strong hostility and objectification towards women. Personally, I find that very disturbing. This does in no way invalidate your work as an artist, and to some it would mean that you have achieved the goal of emotionally moving the viewer.


    I guess it just means that the vision you present is not my cup of tea.






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