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Image Comments posted by xposure



    A good pose for the model and I agree with all the above, plus the image requires a little more dof as the thigh is slightly out of focus, a mistake easy to make, the lighting captures good shadows from the body. Another note is that the image itself if it was converted to B&W has grained a little too much and lost the smooth texture of the skin, try to reduce the blue to remove this, lastly a few other specks take my eye away from the subject. I have taken just 5 minutes to play with the image to show you what I mean, I hope you don't mind, due to the quality of the optimised image the results are far from perfect but it gives you an idea.



    Very origianal, so much so, that when viewing the thumbs for this critique gallery this was the only shot that took my interest. The image I feel needs a touch more contrast or keytone as the black & white frame is taking away the concentration from the figure. I'm sure you experimented with it, was the shot not so good without the colourisation of the tattoo's? I would be interested to see as I don't think it needs it. All in all one of the most creative shots I've seen here, well done.
  1. In this small series of nudes, I think by far the best are the first and this one, in both, the boxes work well and I think if you had concentrated the box around the model on this shot like you did with the first it would equal the series as a nice group of portraits, the lighting is slighty harsh but gives good texture to the cloth. All in all nice to see some origianal nudes for a change.


    A very nice composure, I think if you could have used a flash fill to light the gorgoian fan the details would have worked well and enhanced the picture a little more.
  2. I understand all the comments regarding the briefs, however the lines created by the underwear create and additional shadow ad lies that would not otherwise be there, it is also a focal point for where the model is looking. I remember the shoot well and find this is a good example from the days work. It would look good in B&W too.
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