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Image Comments posted by tlon

    Stark Ghosts

    I've seen quite a few photographs with related themes, but I find this one outstanding owing ot the tint of the water, the subtle shadows (both in the objects and reflections, the thin horizon line, and the spotting on the bottom edge. This is very minor--but I'm very detail oriented in my observations (if not in my photograpy), I'd get rid of the four or five lighter toned and a bit larger spots just above the horizontal array. So, maybe you can explain what your method was?! Thanks ; )



    Enigmatic and beautiful. Coming from a 'fine arts' background, I appreciate the 'mixed media' concept. Also, lighting and tone are just right as is contrast. I like the way the tonal quality of the words works with the elements of the body tone and background --lends sort of a double meaning to 'drawing with light.' Also, the double suggestion of the denotative meaning of the utterance and the specific meaning it takes on owing to its placement on the body and body positioning. Any pointers for using lighting to create high contrast effects? Thanks.



    I think the photo has all the basic elements to succeed as a fashion photo, but in terms of naturalism I think the skirt is just a bit too rash for the b&w. Maybe a bit toned down color would make me like it more; it seems too studied for my tastes.
  1. Did you notice that the shadow on her left arm resembles the profile of a man's face (Chin, nose, lips)? Very nice, warmly tinged colors. I think they enhance the emotional effect, IMHO.
  2. Lots of interesting things to contemplate in the photo. Ignoring the washout, I'd say you might think of cropping horizontally across the top. I don't think you need the height of the wall for effect. Also, looking at the man in the background, it does seem like he's responding to a photographer, which is OK, but his expression competes slightly with the main subject.

    Scent of a Woman 2

    Was this a 'posed' photo? That's not a criticism, just curious. On the whole, I like the relation that seems to be implied between the two figures: composition-wise and emotion-wise. It reminds me of a still photo I might see for an ad for a movie. One thing I would have liked is a bit more of a b&w range so that there'd be some 'darker' values to offset the noticeable whiteness of the guy's shirt and collar. The fact that the collar is on the same plane going horizontally as the woman's neck makes it a bit too static which goes against the dynamism you're working on in the relationship. If the woman's head were tilted just a tiny bit upward or downward, I think the composition would be more dynamic.

    Into the Light

    Color and composition are nice; but I think the angle of object to lens is basically perpendicular and makes for a static photo; since the objects are already static in 'real life' (i.e., flowers), I'd like to see a suggestion of movement through a different angle -- IMHO


    Interesting idea but i find the 'object' and the 'focus on form' a bit confusing. I think it would be more interesting if you focused on one rather than both at the same time. So, if you made it more evident what the object is, you could give the viewer the liberty of allowing him/her of finding the abstract form within the object. This is too much 'telling' the viewer what to look at -- IMHO
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