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Posts posted by joe_avallone

  1. <p>Hi, I know this question was posted a while ago, but I am also interested in an opportunity to assist in shooting a wedding with an experience photographer. I would work for free as well. I am an amateur and have had a few experiences shooting in a church type setting but nothing professional. I am located in Northern NJ - Morristown area. My Equipment is listed below. Please let me know if anyone would be interested.<br>

    Nikon D700, SB800, Nikon 18-35mm, Sigma 24-70mm f2.8, Nikon 70-200mm f2.8, Nikon 50mm f1.4, Nikon 85mm f1.8</p>

  2. Thanks Shun for correcting my title. Matt - I am using a Nikon D300 lens, but do want the ability to blow images up to 13 x 19 and therefore would prefer not to crop. One thing to mention is that for indoor sports, the 200mm range should be Ok, but it is really for outdoor sports that I am looking for that extra range and therefore loosing one stop of light isn't as big of a problem outside.
  3. I own a Nikon 80-200mm f/2.8 ED AF-D lens (new version with tripod collar). I

    would like a little more reach for kids sports and also like the flexibility

    that a zoom gives. I would like others' opinions on whether to use a Kenko Pro

    1.4 teleconverter with my existing 80-200mm f/2.8 or to just purchase another

    Nikon lens such as the older 75-300mm f4/5.6 or the newer 70-300 f4/5.6 non VR

    version. I mainly want to use this lens for indoor and outdoor sports. I know

    that using the converter will reduce my f/2.8 lens to more of an f/4.0, change

    my zoom range from 80-200mm to 112-280mm, and reduce image quality. So I guess

    my question is how large is the difference in image quality between those two

    options? Thanks in advance for your help.

  4. Thanks Ellis. I know the Epson color mgt path is convoluted. I will try some of the options you gave. At this point I would be happy with something close. I thought using even an inexpensive calibrator would bring me at least close to the naked eye, but it is obviously different. I think that in the printing process it is using the color mgt system from the software as well as the printer. Thanks again.
  5. Hi. I am new to the Apple world and so far not as happy as I thought I would be. I bought an Imac - 2 Ghz

    Intel Core 2 Duo Processor with Mac OS X version 10.4.10 software. I came from a PC with Windows XP

    running Photoshop Elements 5.0. I am now using Iphoto '08 version 7.1 and Photoshop Elemens 4.0 for

    Mac. Unfortunately I am running into a couple problems. Number one - I cannot get my prints to mirror

    what is on my screen even after buying and installing a Huey calibrator. The photo's are darker and more

    saturated than that on screen. I have tried using various options within the color management area, but

    the same result. I went back to my PC and everything looks as it should. Also, not all paper is able to be

    selected for printing, like the Epson Fine Art Paper. Lastly when I try printing out of Photoshop the paper

    orientation printing is off and only part of the picture prints on the paper (at least 4x6, didn't want to

    waist 8x10 or larger until I know I am not wasting it). I have seen many other issues posted and was

    wondering if anyone has a solution. I tried calling Apple and Epson support and neither seem to be

    familiar to this issue all though I see it posted if various forum threads. Sorry for the long message, but I

    am sure you can appreciate my frustration. Thanks.

  6. I know similar questions have been asked many times before, but I am looking

    to purchase a new computer. I currently use a 4 year old Dell PC with

    Photoshop Elements and primarily use it for Photo Editing, Organizing as well

    as a home office with MS Office (Excell, Word and Outlook). My photo's are 10

    MPs and are either JPEG or RAW. I have a cable modem, an Epson R2400 Printer.


    I am considering going to an iMAC, but at $1200 (which is the top of my

    range), I would only be getting 1GB of RAM, 250GB HD etc and would have

    limited software options. If I stay with PC, I can get a very powerfull

    machine & reload some of the same software programs.


    I know MAC's have drastically less issues and work much more efficiently, but

    you can buy a much more powerfull system and have many more software options

    with PC. Please let me know your thoughts.

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