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Posts posted by jessica_sims

  1. I wouldn't do the Chick Photography. I myself have had interesting responses to my own company name since there is a pornographic site that is somewhat similar. I would avoid that situation all together.


    I really like John Carrie Photography. It sounds professional and has flow.


    Best of luck,


  2. Hello there,


    I had 3 Bowen buckets and one has gone down (literally - don't ask ;). Thus I am left with two lights for an on

    locations studio set up and I would like recommendations on how to optimize the light at my disposal.


    I will be flying to the location and shooting various professional groups of 3 people for a program promotion. To

    work with I will have:

    white backdrop,

    low ceiling,

    2 bowen lights 400 W & 200W,

    2 soft boxes (large & small),

    Boom Stand,

    Backdrop stand,

    and Light stands


    My concern is even lighting on the three subjects while maintaining a clean white backdrop as the photos will be

    close cropped in production for advertisements.


    Any advice/suggestions would be very much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance,


  3. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Any advice would be very welcome.


    A client has asked for a proof CD for 4x6 images of their wedding. Normally I sell prints only however I have

    negotiated a good price.


    My problem lies in the resolution of the images that I will give them. I don't want to give them images at 300

    dpi as I fear they will enlarge them and thus lessen the likely hood that they will spend more money on

    enlargements of said prints.


    What resolution would you recommend to give them a nice 4x6 print but not offer them any hope at a decent 5x7 or

    larger? After all the price I negotiated wasn't that good ;)




  4. Hi Mitchell,


    I would offer a CD of Digital 4x6 Proofs to your client. Explain that these proofs can be printed up to 4x6 size and are straight from camera.


    Should they wish to enlarge anything they will need to come to you.


    Depending on what you have charged them outright for your time and expertise you could command anywhere to 500-1000.


    Remember - don't sell yourself short. If you do it "on the cheap" even once you will have people coming to you for the next 2 years saying well you did "the Barkers" for half that etc.


    Best of luck,


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