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Image Comments posted by hultstrom1

  1. This must be the first horribly disgusting, borderline psychotic, strangely well done series of photos that also made me hungry. I like the black background ones best, and the broccoli is a nice touch.





    Model: Lonni


    It's very graphic and over all beautifully performed. You may have over done the red a little. Some, if ever so little, detail in the shorts and scarf would be better in my eyes. It may be hard to get without loosing the general feeling of the image, but who said it should be easy.





    Bears playing


    I guess it could be better is some ways, but not much. It really is one of the best bear pictures I have seen. Keep up the good work.





    Field of wheat


    Are you using a graduated filter now or is it done in postproduction? I notice that the wheat gets suddenly darker at a line slightly above hte horizon. As already sair the composition is very good and exposure is spot on both for the foreground and the sky.



    Shave My Legs ??


    It is a very nice macro as others have already said. Check out CombineZM, it is a stacking software that uses several frames with different focus points to increase the depth of field. It is not so easy to get good picture with almost complete depth of field such as they show on their home page. This is my best attempt:




    I had to blur the closest antenna because it moved and caused a double image. But the depth of field is many times greater than with just f/22. If you view it large you can see what happens to dust spots, they get exaggerated, I have blurred most of them, but some remain.


    Check this page for more information:





    Anonamous Jazz


    Jazz players are good subjects and your idea is allright. But the composition is cluttered. The stuff behind him needs to go, it is distracting. I would like it to have a background without the people looking the other way. The bag in front of him doesn't add to the picture either, it just leaves me wondering if those are his scores or if it is just a sloppy way of collecting money. The next question is where to cut his head off. I would really try to include all of the saxophone, and try to compose the image with the saxophone as the main subject. A problem now is that the pants and papers in the bag are the brightest in the image and they steal all the attention from the low contrast actual subject.









    I like the picture. It is certainly more intresting than most flower shots here. As the first commentator said you have a problem with the depth of field. I dont think you should extend it though. I think you should make sure that only the very foreground is sharp, as it is now there is an unsharp bit of stalk and then a band of sharpness. This is not perfect. In addition, you have beautiful, sharp, contrasts in the dried flower while the background is nicely blurred. The problem is that the flower is almost black and white and the background is brightly coloured. I think that if you made the image black and white, or heavily desaturated the green the flower would draw more attention.





  2. I like the sharp head and catch light in the eye. However, both wings are blurred, and to me it looks like movement. In direct sunlight like this you could easily use a faster shutter speed and stop the wing movement. It would make for a better picture. You need to clean your sensor, but you could just remove the spots afterwards to get this image to look better.







    Photographing at windows is generally a good idea. When it is a window with every other pane coloured green, I am less certain. I also think that the contrast is a little to strong, I would like to see more of her left eye. Her pose and expression looks as if she is looking for something, like in a thriller movie. Then she's pulling her gown up, more like in a second rate horror/teen movie. It all leaves me wondering what the picture is about.







    You get a very nice fluffy, impressionist feeling. It's not a picture I like, but I can't fault it because most changes I can think of would alter the light fluffyness and make it another picture. Maybe focusing on the foremost flower would have been a better choice, and maybe a rectangular crop with more space to the left of flowers would have made a better composition.





  3. Hello Peter,


    Very nice. In my eyes this is a picture where HDR is really warranted. The foreground with all the people is much too dark. The sky is wonderful, but it is not enough.





  4. Hello Peter,


    I hope you are getting along well in M�nchen. In this picture I think you have managed to catch the intricacy of what I guess to be la Tour Eiffel (given that you also posted la D馥nce et la Seine, I hope it is a safe bet). I like that you have managed to get the background completely black. Now, if you could have lighted the inner edge of the support and the inner corner that is dark, it would have been really good (just kidding).





    Peacock Eye


    I like it. You have caught the shimmering feather strands well. Exposure and sharpness are good. I think it would be better with a solid background. The feeling of being able to identify the background is disturbing. I think a solid white, well lit background would lift the image. If you want to accentuate the colours and the shimmering quality maybe a black background would be better.


    Just some thoughts,





  5. Hello Peter,


    Since western-blot is bloody booring I will take some time to give you a comment. There is no doubt that the photo is technically well made. But it does not really catch my attention. As it is it kind of feels like a huge corridor or room where the ground and empty sky dominates the picture.


    At the same time the large dark and uninteresting areas helps to focus the attention on the horizon and the cloud. I think it would make itself better as a large print, as opposed to rather small on my screen.


    In conclusion, while it is not one of the instantly catching images because it lacks an interesting foreground and the scenery is rather small it bears closer scrutiny well. I don't know if I like the tinted look, but that is a matter of preference and varies with time (at least for me).


    Well back to the IP.







    Very nice, but you need more snow and stuff for a christmas card (joke). With the bird looking left I would have placed it more to the right in the frame. With this lighting it would have been even better to wait for it to look right, so that you get an illuminated eye forward, and place it to the left. It seems very close, given the size and depth of field, so you might even have been able to use a bit of fill flash. But, all in all, a very nice picture.



  6. Beautiful. Nice simple composition, if anything you could reduce the amount of stuff. One slice of lemon and one dead fly would have been enough (and would have looked more forgotten). Maybe a softer light source or an additional light would have improved the image by removing the shadows.





    Hello Jennifer,


    Very nice image. I am thinking more of a title like: "Difficulty choosing dessert" (But I am a bit hungry:). On a more serious note, I would have cropped the image a little more at the top so that the mergansers (?) were swimming along the top 1/3 of the image instead of in the middle. Keeping the aspect ratio, this would tell the story more clearly. The other thing to do would be to capture the image at a relatively smaller aperture so that both the foreground grass, the dog and the mergansers were sharp. Finally, I think it is a pity that the image is backlit, with better light the colours in the feathers would come out more beautifully.


    All in all a very good capture, my comments are really minor things.



    Poster One


    Very nice poster,


    I love the picture and the composition of the poster. I might have done it without the locket. It gives away how extreme the movement really is, and from some distance the chain looks like a scar or something and the locket it self looks like a fly or something that should not be in the image.


    Further, I would retain the large font only for the actual event and use a smaller font for featured artists and the music played. This would allow for more completely describing the featured pieces, something that it is normal to do, and that is interesting for the prospective audience.







    Brilliant. I often find it hard to capture the rain so that it looks to be raining, I think you managed that very well. I in principle I would have liked either a little more happening or an even cleaner background. For example, with a lower point of view, you could have included more of the building in the background.




    PS. It is snow, isn't it? Damn, but I like it anyway.


    In my eyes this sticks out as artificial. The skin is so soft that all personallity is gone, and her expression does not match the feeling of the photograph. I absolutely detest the background. The lighting in the hair and on the jacket as well as the general composition is well done. I am betting that the original picture, before photoshop, is much better.
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