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Posts posted by jose_rivera9

  1. <p>My SB900 flashtube blew out. I can hear the small piece of glass rattle around (I cringe every time). I am going to personally deliver my flash to the repair center at Melville, LI and I am hoping to get it back the same day (if possible).<br>

    Has anyone done something similar and received same day service? I don't want to wait with a very long weekend coming up and a job on Tuesday (July 9)</p>

  2. <p>It has been forever since I last posted. Had a cruise I worked for a school. Used my new D7100 with Sigma 18-50 f/2.8 lens and SB700 with a Fong diffuser. Shot this at ISO 3200 @ f/4.5</p><div>00bgdT-539543584.jpg.5d2d4cba79ceedce50f2d2854f7f011b.jpg</div>
  3. <p>I just purchased an SB 700 while I await for the return of my SB 900 from the shop (blew out the flashtube). I cannot find a way to connect the pocket wizard to the flash or even to the Nikon d5200. I usually shoot my D300 and my wife thought it would be nice to upgrade my backup camera from the D80.<br>

    <br />Any ideas?</p>

  4. <p>It has been a while since I have posted but with the storm and inability to travel outside my neighborhood I decided to take my girls for a walk. Found one of the trees down and they posed.</p><div>00ayst-501687684.jpg.83b181969776051703a2158c013f5d83.jpg</div>
  5. <p>It has been a few weeks since I have contributed something to Wednesday Pics, but while on vacation I saw this South Carolina Writing Spider on my in-laws backyard. It looks very intimidating.</p><div>00alpL-493705584.jpg.ed690d985ba022c8927252aa396e06c6.jpg</div>
  6. <p>Great shots already. My knee is healing up so I will be able to photograph some awesome sights in South Carolina while on vacation. This shot was from memorial day. I did a little reediting. The model is my former student, Denisse. She loves the camera.</p><div>00ahO3-488463584.jpg.fd0334374b7fb27c2e30fed548c1a307.jpg</div>
  7. <p>Sitting at home with a torn meniscus so I haven't been out to shoot. This is from my visit two weeks ago to Montauk, NY and the lighthouse. I have been neglecting my wide angle lens lately but I captured this shot of the beach along with the polarizer.</p><div>00aft7-486755584.jpg.93e42f018b2e402db02bfb799c546518.jpg</div>
  8. <p>Great shots so far. This is a shot from early spring. I visited the New York Historical Society with my daughters. This is a civil war uniform of the NY Irish Brigade who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg (July 1 - 3, 1863). This photo is to honor all of our soldiers past and present, Living and deceased.</p><div>00aZhT-479319584.jpg.9bb55949fa01bb2ac36f8b1ced7772de.jpg</div>
  9. <p>Missed last week due to being overworked at my job. This week I had a few projects but decided on a slightly older project from this past Memorial Day. These were taken on the High Line in NYC</p><div>00aWWQ-475517584.jpg.8fd5666ff32a65102a57fdd68baa8255.jpg</div>
  10. <p>Had a busy weekend with a Senior class cruise on Thursday and a model shoot on Monday. In between enjoyed time with my family. I always look forward to Wednesday to see what others have been up to and how some of the equipment performs in capable hands.<br>

    <br />This is my favorite model Denisse and her friend Juan. We were at the High Line park in NYC.</p><div>00aRk6-470551584.jpg.42352c5dee0fd2255e33c8ed2e0abb33.jpg</div>

  11. <p>Took an oldie from my files and reworked it a little. This was shot with my D50 with the 18-55 kit lense on Combate Beach, Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. What caught my eye was the anti drug patrol FURA and the young man who is looking to jump off the pier.</p><div>00aQ76-468513584.jpg.0918aa1c00ab33226efa916b86785523.jpg</div>
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