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Image Comments posted by truelifeimages

    Fj Cruiser


    This is a 7 exposure HDR. A new technique I'm learning to capture

    high dynamic ranges in scenes that could not otherwise be captured

    with one single shot.

    Please let me know what you think!

  1. This is a 7 exposure HDR image. I'm new to this. Critiques and

    suggestions are welcome.

    These cholla cacti are exttremely sharp, with barbed spines that

    stick in your skin with the slightest bump. That's why they are also

    known as "jumping cholla." They seem to jump out at you. These

    cholla (pronounced Choy-ya) are located in the Pinto Basin in Joshua

    Tree National Park.



    Mark, This isn't HDR, but I really want to experiment with it. I don't remember exactly what I did with this photo but it was my first time playing with a raw image in photoshop. I played with selective sharpening and levels adjustment...but did some other stuff as well, and kinda got carried away.

    You sound like you really know what you're talking about... if you know any good tutorials on HDR.. or any other quality photoshop tutorials I'd like to check them out.

    Thanks again for both of your comments!

  2. Beautifully composed and great reflections! Feels as old as Venice! I can almost smell the water. I really like the two figures walking on the left...it adds a bit of life to the image. Nice work!


    Great composition and sharpness! I would suggest this shot be done a couple stops down or maybe a bit of burning in photoshop to reduce the washed out highlights.
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