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Image Comments posted by lb1

  1. @Wayne and Laurent: Thx to both of you for your feedback. I remember the day, when i made this image. At first i tried to bring the tree in the foreground and the warm sun in the background, but the sky was too impressive for a simple sunset. I do not remember the weather that day, but it could be, that it just changed from bright to stormy weather. Cheers - Lutz

    Well earned rest


    ... guess what i like here the most?

    You are right - the light. ;-) It adds almost symbolic undertones to this image - it could f.e. be a racehorse, the day before the first big victory, so that the light is a kind of a symbol for the "waiting" publicity, outside. Like a singer, who is waiting for his grand entrance.

    But such available light is beyond these interprations simply beautiful - it gives shots an authentic natural atmosphere.


    Awakening Nature


    @Alf: I thought about the stomp and have made another submission without it - when i face the stompless version i miss something, while i here agree to you, that the stomp draws attention away from the river. It is probable a bit a matter of taste, whether you find this element disturbung or interesting...

    @Volker: This is a small river, the Lune, in Lower Saxony, Northern Germany - near Bremerhaven. There is another sweet little river near Bremerhaven, the Geeste - but in both cases the right location is important for getting natural shots. In some sections they have made with the digger a better canal from these rivers - straight and boring. Here near Hollen the river shows its full beautiness with the curves and the natural vegetation. A real pleasure to be there, especially in the early morning. :-)

    Awakening Nature


    @all: Thx for your encouraging comments, dear friends.

    @Wade: Thank you, Wade. I have to agree, that these places are absolutely wonderful, especially in the early morning light. But unfortunately such places are getting more and more rare, because of what we call here the "industrial agriculture". 30 years ago it was much easier to find such places, but in the meantime nature is more and more threatened by civilisation. Very sad. :-(

    Romantic Sunset Kiss


    Hi Jennifer, yep, i agree to the others. A classic - The ocean in the background can be taken symbolic. Inspite of the romantic atmosphere, it also looks very natural, so it should be successful on stocking sites. My best wishes to you!

    Cheers - Lutz

    In a Distance


    @all: Thx for your warm words, dear friends. Very much appreciated.

    @Stan: Haha, thx, Stan. This one is from March, taken on one of my first longer walks after the long winter. (It is not easy to see on this shot, but the ground is still frozen here.) So the warm colours of the sun had a special meaning to me - it was the anticipation of the summer, the first orange shot after the long winter. When i remember my mood then, it is a bit sad, that the summer already is over now, when i look at this shot again. Time is running so fast...

    Cheers - Lutz



    What an incredible view - and you captured a wonderful light situation here. Maybe you could have waited a bit longer for a better cloud constellation at the top of the image, but i have to admit, that this could be a longer session, especially when i face the light in the middle... Nevertheless i am reminded of good old Ansel Adams, especially, when i imagine this image as b&w transition.

    Track Bed


    Thx, Ricardo. I am glad, that you like this little composition. Probable not very spectacular, but with some strong lines and good depth. ;-)

    Cheers - Lutz

  2. Thx, Michael. I not even did very much, cause the light was very wonderful this morning. For a few minutes day and night were in a special balance. A bit earlier it was too dark, a bit later the fog and the colour had vanished - so my time window was relatively short - but long enough for some pretty images, i hope. Even the pure RAW-files are looking good, so i almost could have shown the raw versions. Maybe i will show another shot of this morning - thx for your feedback, Michael.

    Track Bed


    Thx for your encouraging words, Stan. When it comes to strong lines, probable nothing is better than railroad tracks... ;-)

    Here i also worked relatively long on the b&w transition, so that the distribution of the tonal definition is effective. Especially the sky was very bright, compared to the ground. So a Nikefex-Filter was relatively helpful. (Gradient neutral sky filter.) I made several shots of the location, but found, that this one was the most successful one.

    Cheers - Lutz



    @Michal: Thx a lot - and to be honest: I think so too, Michal. It was a moment of inspiration and i found afterwards the most effective post processing work. So i think, this is one of my best images, that i have shown here.

    ... But when we face the rating of the Photo.net user, they do not think so - they think, this is an "ordinary" shot, they not even think, it is good. Hmhmhm... ;-) Nevertheless i think, we two are right, not the voters. But it does not make sense for me, to show here more of this kind of stuff. Photo.net is simply not the platform for such works, and i knew that before. Photo.net is for idealized, colourful and simple "wow"-shots, i will concentrate my submissions on these topics and stay with my other works at Flickr. :-)



    Genau, irgendwie muss man ja noch eine eigene Leistung vorzeigen können, nicht nur mit der Dr. Oetker Backmischung punkten... ;-)

    Inzwischen bin ich übrigens sparsamer geworden, was das "Aufbrezen" anbelangt. Hier bei Photo.net wollte ich ein bisschen den Finger in den Wind halten, was die hiesigen User gerne mögen. Daher habe ich eine Auswahl älterer Bilder mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten gezeigt. Natürliches Licht und schlichte Motive gefallen weniger, nach meinen ersten Erfahrungen. Plakative Bilder, wenig Bildelemente mit starken Linien und Farben sowie einem möglichst spektakulären, exotischen Bildinhalt scheinen am besten anzukommen. Aber das ist ja nicht nur hier so... ;-)

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