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Posts posted by vanessa_p.

  1. <p>Hello,<br>

    I have recently had a couple shoots where the subjects are walking from one lighting condition to another. For example, they go from outdoors in the sun, to a very low lit indoor lodge at a wedding. In order for me to not miss any shots, I have to quickly change my settings. Is there a way I can save my shutter speed, aperture and ISO as some sort of custom preset to make this process quicker? I like to use the high speed sync with a flash for outdoors with a low aperture, and then turn off the flash, shoot up the ISO and lower the shutter speed for indoors. I have a Nikon D700 and am still exploring it. At the moment, I cannot afford a second camera which I know would be ideal for the changing lighting conditions. Thanks!</p>

  2. <p>Dock! I don't know why I couldn't remember the word. I knew toolbar wasn't correct. No, not new to them, this has never happened to me before so I was confused. And yes, I sometimes send some to the dock to work on them last. I'm working on my macbook when it happens, but on my desktop Mac, or any PC I've used, it always goes on to the photo behind the one I closed. It never automatically selects one that I minimize unless I physically click on it to bring it up. It's just a weird thing that I thought was a preference I could change or something. </p>
  3. <p>Hello,<br>

    I kind of don't even know how to explain this issue I'm having, but it's very irritating. I often open a bunch of photos into Photoshop during editing. Now, we all know that the images tile in front of each other once they are open. So say I minimize a photo and it sends it to the toolbar at the bottom of my screen (I'm working on a Mac). Then I go to work on the next photo that's showing on my screen. I made an action that saves my image to a certain folder and then closes it. If I use this action to save and close my image, instead of going on to the image behind the one I closed, Photoshop selects the one down in the toolbar, but doesn't even bring it back up onto the screen. It still allows me to open tools to edit, but nothing is happening to the image I'm looking at, then I notice that the background image in the layers palette is the one down in the toolbar. So now the tiny image in my toolbar is selected and I am unable to click on the image that is next in line and visible in photoshop. It makes me click on the selected image in the toolbar so it maximizes in photoshop, then I minimize it again to make it go to the image behind it. I hope this makes sense to somebody and they are able to help. I have NO IDEA how to fix it and it is getting aggravating. Please note that if I manually save the image to a certain folder and then close it with the "x", then it goes on to the image behind it. But that slows me down. Thanks!</p>

  4. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I just got the fl-50 flash for my Olympus E-500 camera. I had a Quantum Battery 1 compact that I got for Christmas last year and screwed it on under my camera. I was wondering if it was normal that the battery pack kind of hangs off one side instead of lining up directly under the camera. Anybody else experience that? I have never used any kind of battery pack before, but I've seen them on other cameras and they usually line up with the camera body. </p>

  5. <p>I am so glad that I stumbled upon this thread and read the part about photographers with their big egos. When I first entered the photo world, I came to this site for suggestions and answers. I am often very curious about how photographers achieve effects b/c it teaches me things about photoshop that I didn't know existed. Sometimes, I just couldn't figure out how to do something with my camera, or what kind of equipment achieves certain things so I came here. About 90% of the questions I have looked up on here are attacked by at least one photographer pretty much telling the person things like "if you don't know how to do this, then you shouldn't be shooting that...." or "leave it to the professionals" and blah, blah, blah. It's pretty heartbreaking when you come here looking for answers to expand your knowledge on the subject and someone's telling you basically that you aren't good enough b/c you asked a question. Shame on all of you photographers who have ever done that. This is supposed to be a helpful resource, not a place to discourage others from going into your field of work. There's no need to get all defensive and angry over somebody trying to learn. And thank you to all the photographers who had no problems trying to give straight and helpful answers without tearing people down....</p>
  6. <p>Thank you all very much! There are a lot of things that I hadn't considered yet that you brought up. It seems like a scary big mess, which is why I choose to avoid weddings in the first place, but I guess I never thought I would be asked to do a destination wedding. I definitely have much to discuss with her. Thankfully the wedding isn't until 2011 so I have time to think about it more. I'll bring up all of these points and see what she has to say about them and I will go from there.</p>
  7. <p>I have been photographing for a couple years. I don't really have an established business yet, but am trying to work my way up to it. I recently have been asked to photograph a wedding in Florida ( I live in IL) by a former coworker. She has offered to pay my plane ticket and room expenses and "make a deal." I am having lunch with her and her fiancee this week to discuss options and details. My question is, since she is paying for the ticket and room, is this any reason to lower the price even more than I already plan to offer? I was going to ask about $500, but sometimes I feel like I should lower it more b/c she's paying my way there. Things to keep in mind are: 1) I do have quite a few photo sessions under my belt, but this would be my first wedding 2) I don't really plan to advertise for or go after wedding photography in the future. 3) I feel like I would be able to manage with the equipment I have so I don't really have to buy anything new for it 4) she's not a close friend, more of an acquaintance 5) She pointed out that she COULD hire a FL photographer, but she would rather give money to me and she loves my pictures<br>

    If $500 seems reasonable, what should I give to her for that price? I print my own photos with my Epson 4880, and any albums or books would have to be ordered from somewhere else. Thanks in advance for any guidance or advice. If you'd like to get an idea of the level I'm at with photography, here's my most updated portfolio on my facebook fan page. www.facebook.com/pages/Mchenry-County-area/Vanessa-Popoca-Photography. Thanks, again!!</p>

  8. <p>hello all,<br>

    i just got a job taking school portraits and we are having a difficult time. We have hundreds of photos to edit and one of our backgrounds had a lot of scratches on it. since they are in every picture, i was wondering if there was a faster, easier way to edit them. If the camera moves slightly in every photo, is there any kind of action we can do so we don't have to go through each picture to spot heal them? We have to move the camera closer and farther for each child so the scratches move a little in each photo. i feel there is a much easier way, but I don't know what it is. Thanks for any help!</p>

  9. <p>Hello all,<br>

    I am curious to know if there is a double sided paper that is compatible with the Epson 4880 printer. I want to start making my own spiral bound calendars. I've heard of double sided matte paper, but am unsure if luster is available for this. Also, if anyone has information on where to buy spiral bound hole punchers and plastic spirals that would be helpful. Thanks in advance.</p>

  10. <p>I have never used an external flash unit. I attached the fl-36 flash unit to my evolt e-500 and then I am not really sure how to go from there. The flash won't fire when I hit the shutter, but it turns on when the camera turns on and fires when I hit the test button on the flash unit. I'm sure there are settings I need to learn, can anyone help or direct me to a helpful site. Thanks.</p>
  11. That's a good idea, Rob.


    Lindsay, If you could help me a little more, lets say I want to password protect my bio page

    (http://popocaphoto.com/bio.html), is there any way you can look at my code and apply what you told me to my page?

    My bio page is not in it's own folder other than the main folder containing my entire site. So would i then create a folder

    called "biofolder" and put my bio.html page and the page containing the code you wrote above as well? So there would

    be 2 pages in biofolder and that's it? This is the code I came up for the 2nd page if I did that:


    AuthUserFile /biofolder/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName "Secure Document" AuthType Basic


    <LIMIT GET PUT POST> require user biography </LIMIT>


    Is anything wrong with it? Thanks a lot!

  12. Is there any way to password protect a page in Dreamweaver CS3? I only know how to make simple web pages in dreamweaver, but now

    that I mostly photograph children, I feel it's necessary to password protect any galleries for clients, rather than just putting the page up for

    all to see. Is creating a password easy to do if it is available? Any step by step instructions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  13. I ordered a 4800 printer from ebay a couple months ago. It came with the large cartridges with varying amounts of ink in them. Well, I

    ended up having to get the printer replaced with a 4880 and now I don't know what to do with the 4800 cartridges. They are not yet expired,

    but I don't want to put them in my new printer. I doubt they will sell on ebay. I don't think I can just throw them in the garbage. Does

    anybody know what I can do with these cartridges of used ink? It would be great if I could make some kind of money off of them. Thanks

    for the suggestions!

  14. Hi, I found the site below when I was trying to create a watermark for my photos. In the instructions, the author says to apply the "spray

    stencil" text effect. Is there a menu of such text effects or do i have to create it myself? I like how this watermark looks and wanted to

    create it. I just had no idea where to find the spray stencil effect. Anybody else know?



  15. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good workshops dealing with the startup of a photo business. Maybe

    dealing with how to create order forms, organization, things like that. I know there's a lot more to a business than

    that, but I want to start with that. I'm from the chicago area and am having a hard time searching for workshops.

    Any ideas or groups I should join?

  16. Well, the seller talked to epson and they are sending me a new printer b/c it was still under warranty through her. Then I have to send the old one back at no cost to me. Sweet deal. Now my only concern is ink. The seller suggested I buy all new inks to start fresh. I don't want the inks she provided to go to waste, though. Many are over half full. Any suggestions? The broken printer was still reading the ink levels and everything, so I would assume they are still good. If I do buy new ink, any suggestions on where i can get a good deal for a full set? I checked ebay, but the ones i was looking at look genuine except the plastic cartridges are black and not white. Did epson change the color?
  17. Frans: such as? Do you know of any other problem it may be?


    John: they are epson inks that are being used. And thank goodness i used paypal, I'm

    not worried about not getting my money back, It was just a pain to unpack and set up,

    I wanted to see if it was something that could be easily fixed before i pack it back up

    and send it away. It's not looking too good, though.

  18. I just bought an Epson 4800 on ebay from a trusted seller. I received the printer and it is not

    printing anything on the page. I have used these printers at school before and everything else

    seems to be working as it should and it is in beautiful condition. I believe the nozzles are dried up

    or clogged badly. I have performed many nozzle checks and one power cleaning on it and still

    nothing is printing. It seems like ink is being used, but I don't know where it is going b/c one

    cartridge was almost gone and after the nozzle checks, it is saying the ink is low, indicating that

    the ink is going somewhere. Does anyone have any idea what I could do to fix it, or how much it

    would cost for a tech to fix it b/c the warranty is only good for the original owner. I appreciate any

    help. The original owner said it is almost 1 year old and she barely used it. Thanks!

  19. Hello. I recently put up a website using dreamweaver. I forgot to add a description, keywords, tags,

    etc. to my site. I tried to add them later, but when I "put" my whole site up again, I'm not seeing my

    title or description when I search it. What exactly has to be put up again after you add those

    things? Thanks! oh yeah, and the site is popocaphoto.com if you need to look.

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