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Image Comments posted by deborahallen

  1. The parking lot was recently repaved and the lines repainted. It's very funny to see the shorebirds lined up on the yellow lines as if they feel safe there. I think it's because they are used to standing next to branches on the ground and hiding behind them.
  2. Thanks Don. I've used a variety of cameras and lenses, including an 800/F5.6 and 500/F4 Nikons back in the days of film. My current favorite is the Canon 7DII paired with the Canon 100-400mm zoom. I also use the Canon 400/F4 pretty frequently, so most of the pix you see would have been taken with one of those two lenses. The 100-400 zoom is light and easy to carry around all day. I have a couple of teleconverters but rarely use them, not liking the effect on image quality and the slower autofocus that results.
  3. Thanks Vincent. I'm hoping to get more pix while the birds are nesting. Right now they have a big problem with starlings, which don't make their own nest and like to nest in woodpecker holes, so it may be another few weeks before they can get some peace & quiet.
  4. Hey Gregory & Verena, I'm so jealous that you actually have them on your farm. It must be wonderful to hear them calling at night. I keep meaning to go out to the east end of Long Island to listen for them, but it can sometimes be three hours to get back home so I haven't done it yet.
  5. I was lucky that the male arrived just as the female was looking out. It's an adult male and adult female. No little ones yet. I'm really looking forward to those because they all look a little bit different.
  6. Thanks, everyone. I was lucky to get even lighting late in the day for this photo. I usually don't photograph this nest so early in the season, but was checking on its progress with some friends. At first I thought nothing was happening, but I walked around a bit to check different angles and saw the eye. I had to take a lot of photos to get the eye in focus using my 400mm F4 hand-held (it would have been much easier with a tripod).
  7. Well, Giangiorgio, my photoshop skills are not at that level. The bird is exactly where I found it. I did erase a grass blade in front of it's face. I did spend a lot of time waiting for the right light and position, and my fingers could barely press the shutter by the time I stopped taking pictures and walked back to the car.
  8. Thanks Giangiorgio. They don't usually fly past that low, so I think it must have spotted something it wanted for lunch nearby. Of 5 photos, this is the only one that was sharp enough to keep. That's why I'm happy to have 10 frames per second on the 7DII.
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