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Posts posted by david_pidcock

  1. <p>What is best in your experience? I've tried both.<br>

    Changing the shutter speed from the "correct" exposure to blur water (falls).<br>

    Or changing both the F stop & shutter speed, to maintain the exposure, while blurring the water with the slower shutter speed.<br>

    I use film if you think it makes a difference.<br>

    Just wondering,<br>


  2. <p>Thanks for all the input, really.<br>

    Just to make sure I understand:<br>

    If I need +200 glasses from the drug store to read at, say, 18 inches. Would that equate to +2 diopter for the waist level finder on my RB 67? Which would also mean if I needed +100 glasses is +1 diopter in the same finder?<br>

    Thanks once again,<br>


  3. <p>This came up recently with 35MM film camera but I think it applies to medium format also, both single lens reflex.<br>

    I need 200 + readers to read a book plus distance vision is not so hot either.<br>

    If I use my naked eye, doesn't the lens focus the image I see in the finder, and it should come out focused when printed? Or do I need to use my readers to see the focused image as I need them to read?<br>

    Kind of confused. I thought the camera / lens would take over and my poor vision otherwise would not affect the final image. In some of the images I just made, I used the distance scale on the lens barrel but not sure what that did.<br>

    Thanks for your thoughts,<br>


  4. <p>I have some outdated 120 & 220 film. It has been stored correctly in the refrig.<br>

    When using this film, besides bracketting, would the correct exposure be a little longer? IE, 160 speed be exposed as 100 speed, etc?<br>



  5. <p>Please describe the "fit" of the accessories for these two Mamiya's to each other. IE. film backs identified as "SD"-Will they operated fine on a Pro S and vice versa? etc.<br>



  6. <p>I'd like to know what parts / accessories that are sold as "SD" can be used, without adapters, etc. on the RB PRO S. Seem simple to me to determine, but I don't know. Mamiya doesn't publish anything that I've been able to find. It would also be nice to know what RB Pro S parts can be used on the SD model.<br>

    Thanks for your input</p>

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