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Image Comments posted by gjjb



    The lack of sharpness is not a problem for me, in fact I think it helps greatly.

    This shot (to me) is evocative of a very old crime scene photo.



    Thanks for the comments. As for the DOF, this was just a grab shot, camera was handheld, light was from window and film was 100ISO.

    If I catch him like that again I'll see if I can grab a tripod without disturbing him. Just one of snapshot moments.

  1. I must agree with Andrew, a great portfolio, I love the vibrancy of your colour shots.

    I have noticed that you use Velvia mostly, I use it myself and it's a great film, I am always impressed by how bold it looks on a lightbox; however, I can never seem to get results anywhere near those you achieve when scanning it.

    Could I be so bold as to ask what scanner you use, or do you have your slides scanned for you?

  2. The original shot was very bland in the extreme, due to the completely feature-less sky (overcast day, no grey grad filter).

    So I decided it needed something doing to it, to make it a little more interesting.

    It just so happens that I was practising IR film simulation in Photoshop and decided that this shot was a prime candidate.



    I really like this shot.

    However, one criticism I would make would be the lack of sharpness, a lot of "fashion" shots seem to have a bit of intentional blur thrown in lately; it sort of looks like camera shake.

    Was this a naturally (window) lit shot?

  3. Yeah, I like this too, but...

    The magenta levels are way over the top.


    Some subtle work with the dials on your enlarger (or in photo shop) would bring it back to an accurate rendition of the scene.


    Or, was this effect intentional ?

    If so, what was the thinking behind it ?

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