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Image Comments posted by pjc

  1. Lindsey,

    I don't mind the space to the left. Critiquing online is difficult since we all have different screens. If original is film I'd use a faster ISO and compensating Developer. I used to shoot the performing arts a lot. HP5 at 1600 or 2400 in Xtol. If digital I would try and pull up the shadow detail. You were shooting at 1/60 sec at F5.6 or 8 I guess. Artists and black clothes. I used to say to Choreographers "ah maybe design a piece in say deep blue leotards?"

    You know something bright. enjoy pjc




    Basket Shadows



    going to your portfolio here I like the third image better. It does what I was going to suggest. Which is step back or widen out the shot feet are very important in sports or dance photography. To best imply the motion you need to leave space for those feet to step into or land. In your third image you have that and perhaps in my opinion more dramatic shadows. When an image is cropped at the ankles or hands it tends to lead the viewers eye off the image where when you have the negative space it will hold the viewers attention better. enjoy pjc

  2. One of the many new images on my site. From May to Oct Willimantic Ct

    closes a four block section of Main St Downtown for a street Art Fest

    Five stages of music and performance multi national food vendors,

    1000s of smiling faces, Art Galleries. A great event. No admission

    free parking. Many photo ops. enjoy pjc

    Below the Dam


    Hello Sam,

    I do write a column on Traditional Photographic Art on nikonians.com in the cafe forum. It is more of a rambling interactive photo/philosophy discussion. enjoy pjc

    Below the Dam



    I am new here, well new at particapating. I am a full time

    Photographic Artist specializing in performing arts, Motion/Emotion.

    Visual commentary on the human condition. All my work is done with

    old manual Nikons and 99% is uncropped. Most of my images are black

    and white. I compose in the viewfinder. So what do you think? More

    of my work can be seen on my website.

    enjoy pjc

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