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Image Comments posted by mat_audley



    Very interesting image. It almost looks like miniature models. I love it. My only suggestion would be to add a bit more sharpening. I'd like to see the areas that are in focus sharper (although this is hard to judge in these circumstances - it could just be the resizing that made this softer.) But something to consider.


    Thanks for sharing!

  1. Thanks for all your comments. It's true, the light did much of the work here.


    Ian - I followed your advice. I should have cloned out a couple distracting specks to begin with. The viewer never need know that the sacred virgin purity of these pixels has been violated. Thanks for taking the time to try and tell me what you liked about it too. iz much appreciated. I'd be curious what you thought about my full moon picture i just posted. I took it on the way home just last night. Guess it'll be up for critique when my 24 hours is up.. geez, how long before i just pay the $25??


    Also, is there any way to tell when you post new pictures in your portfolio?



  2. I think this is one of my favourites of yours up here. And i'm not sure i can tell you why. I never would have cropped this scene quite like this and there's something fairly unbalanced about it but i wouldn't change it.


    Actually, and I can't believe i would ever badmouth the moon, but it was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let's blow up the moon. I don't think it'd be the end of life as we know it.

  3. I couldn't resist the light falling down this hill and the textures

    available. I'm quite happy with the resulting image, though it may

    strike some people as a strange crop. Should that tree trunk be

    positioned more towards where the rule of thirds might put it? I

    don't know. I'd love any input whatsoever, as always.

  4. i decided cropping the hell out of this one was the way to go. i just never listen, do i? i'm not sure what you meant be playing with the angle and level in photoshop, however. So i may not have done that. I did colour correct it, after a fashion, and played around with the curve a bit to get a more reasonable contrast going on. Thanks for lookin'.
  5. Hey. thanks for looking at my portfolio! you can't have hated the picture i posted for critique THAT much then. Yes, I have photoshop. I use CS2 9 as well as lightroom for all of my editing these days. Well, also photomatix for HDR stuff, which I'm just starting to play around with. Do you think this needs cropping as well? I could actually see taking a bit off the top and left on this one. I was on a tripod with two legs resting on either side of my kitchen sink to take this so it would've been a bit tough in camera. (but don't get the impression i'm a "you may ONLY crop in camera" kind of person. that doesn't make a lot of sense to me at this point. Though i do maintain it's a good way to learn.)


    anyhoo. thanks.

  6. thanks so much for your ruthless words.(really) it's the first constructive criticism i've received here. I don't agree with everything you said, but i've edited the photo to reflect your comments. I had thought about removing the crap in the lower right and i'm not sure why i didn't. i do like it much better without it.


    I've also added some vignetting, which was actually present to a certain extent in the original before corrections. This is in the hopes of encouraging the eye not to float off the edge of the photo. I realize this is always a risk with white space, but to be honest the present (in-camera) crop (and the white space) is the point of this photo and it's definitely not something i'll be changing. Likewise the focus on the unopened buds. How many photos of the details of the interior of flowers do we need? check out the larger version and perhaps you may find the buds and stem more interesting than you thought. or not.


    I suppose you could say i was hoping for something a little starker and more focussed on form and composition than your standard flower photo. I think we have very different sensibilities on that front (having checked out some of your work.)


    Thanks again for your time. I'd love to know if you think this is an improvement.



    Tread Lightly

    the clouds and the fenceline running parallel to eachother really make this shot. Perfectly composed and exposed. Guess this isn't very constructive. I just like it! that's all i got.

    On the road

    I find my eye just popping right out of the image via that paper white upper right hand corner. So i'd say definitely do something about that. i think the whole image could actually stand to be darkened by a half-stop or so. Then see if you can't burn the sky in a little. This could be really great if you could get that under control. The composition is perfect.
  7. amazing image! hard not believe it wasn't drawn by hand when you first see it. the warm colours on the meat really hold my eye. the ONLY complaint i have is with that border. perhaps a bit much. tone it down to avoid distracting us from the main point here.
  8. I really love this image but I find myself immediately wanting to see it without the obvious post-processing. my own personal bias perhaps. i don't think the effect necessarily adds anything to this image.
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