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Image Comments posted by thewideangle.net


    I like the surreality of this image but the position of the tricycle (interested to know how big it is - 5cm high, something like that?) seems a little random and the sand it's posed on is unconvincing.


    I love everything about this except that it's the result of digital manipulation - you have, I think, created this reflection. The bird, a great tit, would be very unlikely to perch this close to water. The brach shows no sign of having been submerged, as it would naturally. I have no problem with image manipulation but I do think it should be declared.



    I have no problems with the image as an idea - it's a nice geometric pattern that could work well. But the word is 'could'. I can see it's had some work in PS to elevate it beyond ordinary but instead of going to that trouble you should have revisited the site - clearly sewer pipes on a construction site - at other times of the day. Then you could have wowed us in colour or at least achieved better lighting. The sky is flat and lifeless, the shadow uninteresting and the whole thing listless. You could have buolt this with toilet roll tubes under studio light.
    An opportunity missed, I think. But you obviously have an good eye for image. All you need is a bit more stamina

    I'm not alone


    I very much like this image but it doesn't work in some respects. The 'mist on the water' effect is a little odd - it appears to have been cloned from clouds - and the boat doesn't quite match the mood of the rest of the lighting.

    I'd be interested to know how many elements this image is made from. On the basis that less is more, you may have been able to get just as dramatic an image with fewer elements.

    But it's still a nice image....



    I love this photo, but I have absolutely no idea what use it is of whether it says anything to me. It's like a mouthful of candy - pleasant but unsatisfying.
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