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Image Comments posted by rome


    i dont think i want to go to bed with that women! here she is again, courageously hanging to a pair of ropes that are more likely to hold her than her holding on to them...


    her face... wow! her expression makes this photo big time. mix feelings for what happen that night. and me... i just wish for her to come back to bed. seriously... i do!


    i like this one a lot. there is something inhuman about her; like a fish or a bird... I love where she is been placed in the composition. the way she helps the transition from one texture to another. her pose. great photo for me.

    In the deep fog

    what i love the most here is the fact that you keep me down at his level. or at least is how i see it! it seems he is laying down which makes me believe i am at his level. but he could be walking also and the grass could full me on that . either way i enjoy it. i think its pretty decent photo.
  1. you are a master when it comes to nude. great aestheticism and originality. i chose this one to give a critique because there was nothing from my point of view for the other ones. and i dont do it because i see all that is bad, but because i thought the thing i see looks a bit awkward and takes away from the quality of the photo. i am talking about the role of the leg in this photo. it looks to "pornographic" for me. its placed in a real bad spot from an imagination point of view. for some it may work, for me it does not and i have a feeling you would see it too as i do. either way, it does not take away from how i see your work. and if once in a while you would have the chance to pass by of one of my photos, please do critique if could, for i will take it seriously from someone like you. untill next..
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