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Posts posted by rome

  1. <p>with 8 ratings and who knows how many more hours to go(there where at least four hrs remaining when i checked the site) one of my photo did not show in the top rated photos of the last 24 hours. i checked and double checked all the pages and some of the top photo rated betwen 10 to 5 and mine did not exist! it was showing on critique forum thou! does it happen often? its a first for me. i thought you guys(adm) should know.</p>
  2. <p>now the question is: since there are so many 3/3 aplyed to so many good or not so good photos, isn`t possible that most of them are the result of such "viruses" on photo.net? its a bit beyond me to understand why someone who "hates" mine or someonelses photo, would chose to give a rate of 3/3 when it could go as low as 1/1 to bring the rating way down! is there a "bug" within the system that randomly place those type of ratings;, or in the case of average or less photos, the moderators sometime get a bit to "lazy" to give a more thought to that particular photo because of the volume that needs to be seen?<br>

    Josh dont worry for i stoped loosing sleep over the ratings, good or bad. I asked because i did not know and was confused. Thanks for the explanation guys and looking for next one.</p>

  3. <p> i was wondering if anyone had seen this happening before? </p>

    <p>i checked my last photo post for critique and it had 6 ratings from which three of them had the names attached. great ratings to, had my photo on the second page for top photos. comeback about two hours later and realized that the the photo had three ratings less and the good ratings with the peoples names, were the ones that vanished. ofcourse the photo took a dump also because of that. i was just wondering if someone can go back and delete his own ratings? if it happen before to someone? or am i the joke of someone out there?</p>


  4. <p> my photos do not upload anymore! i get this mesage saying there is a problem with database. please go back and fix the problem. there is no problem on my side because i tryed different ones and even some that i allready posted! anyone?</p>
  5. <p>i am not a photographer or a critique for that matter but as a novice in this bussiness i think i have something to say too. a simple idea to help the critique forum would be to force a comment to be more than just a couple of words. ten to fifteen at least, with no repetition, because people would start typing the same word again and again. i think somehow it would force people to express a point of view in a different way.<br>

    as for the ratings definetly you should get rid of the "anonymous" . and every rating of three or less should be alowed only with a comment. <br>

    i almost forgot: i cant upload my photos here! anyone?</p>

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