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Image Comments posted by arcanum-xiii1

  1. Hi everybody, I was caught, no, thunderstruck by the photo in

    Manufactured Landscape! How the hell did he get this nearly 3D effect?


    So I had to go out. Before this one, before seeing this movie, I've

    try to get a shot right in the nearby cemetery, but well, it look

    dull, flat, annoying.


    Here is one result of my experiment. Only slightly altered in

    Lightroom. So what do you think? I kind of like the result, but I want

    to get better!



    I was wandering in the wood nearby, when I remember about taking photo

    of ouverture, to create a crop in the picture. So here's my first take

    on this idea.

    It took me a while to crop it properly. And the tone were hard to

    balance, but I think it's not bad.


    Any advices, critics, everything is welcome!



    Nice waterfall :)


    I will talk about the technical bit of this photo for a start : it's not sharp. At all. A faster shutter speed would have help if hand handed was the only solution, but otherwise a tripod would have been a blessing. Here it's blurred, and ouch.

    There's lot of digital artifact on the stone, probably due to a too strong sharpen, or clipping. I don't know exactly. Try some other parameters?

    No leaf are clear cut. Strange.

    The water would have benefit of a longuer exposition (to smooth it, give it a surreal look, like 1/25), or shorter (to freeze hit, above 1/250).


    About the composition, a square format would work better I think... the top half is not very interesting, I think. Emphasize the waterfall, here the vegetation eat it.


    Hope it helps!



    Old time


    I was wandering, again, in a nearby cemetery when this "image" in a

    family crypt come to my eyes. I got to shoot it! I love the nearly

    sepia tone, the light... I don't know.


    So no photoshop. No recrop. No color shift.


    What do you think?

    A root. What else?


    I love those black and white photo of old tree, with lot of veins, of

    life even if it look a bit death to be honest, I have to try.


    So when I was looking around and I see this stick, this seemingly

    under develop tree, I have to shoot it.

    It took me a while to figure it out, I hope it will interest you - and

    that you'll have to comment on it.

  2. Nice one. I love the contrast, the details you have, the fact that most shadows has details.


    But I think if it was a little less centric, if you have seen the root, maybe it will have been interesting too?

    One thing that bother me is the black sky . I imagine it's a polarized filter?

  3. Hi!


    I was wandering in a nearby cemetary when I see this plant blowing a

    window (vitrail), right in the head. I find this fun, and try to take

    a picture of it.


    The light was amazing, I love the color.


    What do you think?

  4. I'm exploring the architecture side of photo, but here in the idea of

    nearly abstract structure.


    I don't know why, but those photo allways appeal to me, so here's my

    contribution. Tell me what you think!

    Nice flower


    Since I was out, and I wanna try something new, why not a flower?


    After some shoot, I've begin to play with DOF, and it was a lot

    better. So here I am, I hope you've got something to say!

    Electric guitar


    Photographying object is an exercise in frustration for me. Since I've

    begin to take picture, I've allways try to "get it", especially with

    my guitar (my other passion).


    It's the first photo I really like of it, but I want to improve!

    Anything bad, or good?

    Bad day.




    I think more depth of field could maybe produce a more define image but (the foreground nail distract me since it's blurred). Except for this, yummy!

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