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Image Comments posted by luanne_efird

    The rich get richer.


    Sorry, these are apartments, not one single home. The community shares the 2 pools and beach front. Several hundred live here.


    I'm going to say that this was a nice attempt at a statement but the subject falls short of what you are trying to say.


    To the technical aspects, croping more from the left would give it a bigger feeling. Avoid the dodging and that burn spot around the top outline of the buildings. Your title could be applied to a better example.



    Far thinking

    Actually, for me... the white pole forces me to notice the distant chatting far over her shoulder. I don't think my eye would have drawn the contrast otherwise. I'm seeing a division from a conversation. It?s not just a portrait of a woman leaning in a garden like setting. There is thought and feeling that goes with being separated from the things around her, far and distant. Or I?m reading too much into this, to each their own tastes. Thanks.



    Okay, so this one made me laugh :P

    I think the idea would make a great oil painting. For a photograph, though, ~I~ want to see Richer color. I think that would help define the edges a little better and really make the black on the bird pop out at the viewer. A little more PS could shine that silver up too. Thanks for showing!!


    I find it amazing that people feel the need to '3' without leaving a suggestion, much less even a critical comment. So here are mine, make of it what you will, you mentioned it anyway: Sunlight. Maybe try some perspective angleing (or whatever the correct photo term is, mah!). perhaps focus on one with the other two stacked behind. I've seen alot of spray bottle use (shhh) on here with macro fruit/flowers. Unless you have the forces of nature in your pocket, wait for that sun, spray these down with a fine mist and tah dah - instant fresh shiny morning dew plump raspberries. Now that I'm just about done writing my book here, I can see alot of progression and thought, study and ideas. Keep having fun with these :)


    I just picked up a marco lens. I'm getting really sharp, close photos at the center but with the edge distortion around the corners. I know I'm not well versed in using this type of lens at all but (and this seems to be my comment theme tonight, sorry) my suggestion is to crop it, play around with cutting the shadows out and getting to the edge of the wings. Less of a need to see the larger view and more on the detailed wing structure. Thanks.


    Msybe crop out the bottom 1/3 of the bush? Don't get me wrong, I like this VERY much as is, but in taking out the lower part it may simplify and focus more on the mountains and less on the complication around it?? could give it that 'landscape' view as mentioned before. A peek at peaks. Wonderful colors, nice clouds in a good spot. Thanks.

    French Icon II

    I know I'm very much behind the rest of the class here but I feel as if I'm looking up France's skirt. Very different. For some reason, I don't mind the motion blur of the people. But, the bluring lights at the top takes a bit of the structure detail away for me. Then again that adds to the kink in my neck. Maybe I'm just weird. Great brain. Thanks.

    Cuba postcard

    YES! Don Quixote, as mentioned in an earlier comment. That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this. I like the belend of color from sand to sky. Good space, thanks.

    Queen Anne's Lace

    I like this. Perhaps you could increase the saturation to bring out the reds and greens a little more... a slight contrast tweek would pull more detail from the Queen Anne's Lace.

    There you are!..

    Looking at this I can't help but smile. The expressions were caught just right. I like the timing of the rain here, just enough water soaked on the side of the building. Don't crop it, the space available makes them feel like family to me. Thanks
  1. I'm liking this. I'd love to see it in the fall and winter as well. Rich colors, though the greens in the top right flatten out a little to me (could easily be my laptop). Thanks for the share.
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