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Image Comments posted by cmh_imaging

  1. Fantastic photo! The only thing that is distracting to me is the lamp post on the far right looks like it has sky behind it in the halo of light (clouds or something). Overall it is just a fantastic composite. I really like the purple light from the left falling on the closest elephants back.

    The dark omen


    Great photo. I like that the figure is the only element that breaks into each of the distinct areas of the image (sky, sea, railing, and pavement). My only criticism would be that the figure has a little bit of a halo , it is most distracting in the water, but can be seen on the railing as well.


    Again, great image!




    The composition makes me feel off-balance. That is good in some images, but I don't think that it goes well with this subject matter. Also I think the tone mapping is a little heavy. Try a multiply layer with a shadow/highlight to bring back some of the macro-contrast. I wouldn't give it a 3/3, I think it is more like 4/5, but everybody has their own opinions and we can't fault them for that!





    Great photo! I like the rim light on models left side very much, but I think the main could be +1/3 or +1/2 stop. What is she wearing? It looks like some sort of building material. Keep up the good work.





    Great portrait! Lighting, model and pose are all beautiful. I personally would have removed the scar on the left arm (looks like a smallpox vaccine, but she is way too young?) because it is distracting. I know everybody wants to "look like themselves", but I find that small modifications can make a person much more attractive and they never notice the re-touch, they just like the photo... what I am getting at is that I would have narrowed her nose. The end is well-shaped but the bridge is too wide. I think those modifications would make it better, but as it is it is already very beautiful. Good work!




    I love it! Great composition. The eye is drawn right and down by the hand rail, this combined with the gradient from light on left to dark in lower right makes for a very dramatic photo for being this simple. Almost looks like a computer rendering to me (specifically the soft shadow). Good work!
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