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Image Comments posted by allydea1664881724

    Disco globe..


    To Stanislav:


    Attached is the original (I shoot in RAW, so in this case original means the RAW developed with Canon's default Standard Picture Style with all corrections at 0).


    The PP was centered on tone curve and WB/selective color channel adjustments.


    The shadows you mention are the result of using 2 flashes, off camera (positioned symmetrically, left and right, about 60 deg from the horizontal). Hope this was the answer you were looking for. ;)


    Best regards,


  1. I think your entire gallery is composed of beautifully executed and (more importantly) fresh pictures. I hope I'll have the time to comment on more photos.


    One thing I must say is impressive about this picture is the connection with the title. Most of the times (and I am no exception) the titles used by the photographers to label a photo seem almost random, as the viewer has to scratch his/her head a few times before he understands why (unless it's a really "hollow" name, like "Purple Flower" in the case of the above photo). I think this is usually because the image itself doesn't say anything.


    So, this finally brings me back to your photo. I can say after browsing through your photo.net gallery that it is "your style" to shoot through a rather heavy foreground, diffused to creamy bokeh by the choice of aperture. It is obviously the result of a conscious effort and not random. In my opinion it's indeed a great way to complement a narrow DOF so that not only is a subject highlighted within the depth of the scene but also within its frame (I mean plane of focus).


    And now the title.. "The Heavy Burden Of The Past". The attention is immediately drawn to the intended point, but the viewer can also sense that he is looking through a lot of obstruction.


    Processing is also very good.


    What I think could've made the picture even better: if the flower had been framed a little further from the edge of the photo. Btw, I am guilty of the same thing here http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=6407176. :)


    Best regards,






    It seems that romanian photogs are taking photo.net by storm when it comes to carefully posed (conceptual) images. Especially images containing beautiful women. :)


    Best regards..


    PS: there is something that bothers me in the lower left side of this photo; I can't tell what a bright area is and it distracts me.


    Please redo the Jpeg conversion or preparation for web. There's some artifacts present, and it's a shame to let something like that hurt such a wonderful capture. (that's why i gave you a 5 for Aesthetics :p)
  2. Was looking through your gallery and this drew my attention (as did others, but many people had already commented on those). Can't say exactly why. Probably, because of the angle of light I get this feeling that I'm given a peek into a hideout, or a concealed place.. it has a kind of calm tension. Hard to explain. Anyway, I love an image that I can come back to with interest, and this may have what it takes.


    I would suggest a slight adjustment of crop (wider... maybe if you have another framing) to get rid of the impression that the right side is cut.


    Best regards,


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