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Image Comments posted by patrickboucher

    Taking root


    Hi Margo, thanks for your suggestion!

    Unfortunately the photo wasn't cropped so I couldn't change this one.  I did have another shot taken from slightly further away which I was able to crop in the manner which you suggested.  I think this would have been much more successful with the original photo however as the cropped photo seems to lack the sense of distance between the rock and the tree (in the new photo the rock seems much closer than it really is).  Plus the light wasn't quite the same and hasn't got quite the same impact.

    Thanks for the very appreciated feedback though, I will bear your segestion in mind next time I am framing up to take a shot.




    autumn colours


    This is quite a pretty picture, a slightly different crop using the right half of the photo and tweaking the vibrancy setting just a little would make that gorgeous tree "pop".  Great effort!




    Have re-uploaded the photo (called Smirking-Version 2) with some of the changes you mentioned.  Still not completely happy with it as it now seems a bit overexposed to me.  I might have to chalk this one up as an "almost"  and keep trying to get the shot right . All the same, thanks so much for your feedback, it seems to be really hard to get straightforward, constructive criticism and I REALLY appreciate getting it.

    All the best! 


  2. Thank you Mark for the very helpful feedback. I am slowly rediscovering photography after years of neglect and can really use pointers like those you provided! Now that i look at the photo again i can indeed see what you mean about it being muddy, not sure why this didnt jump out at me before. As I still have the raw image I will try to apply the changes you suggested to make the photo better. Thanks again!

    Deep in thought


    Thanks guys! I love doing portrait work with natural, ambient light rather than flashes and electric lights.  It seems to result in a much "softer" but more richly coloured final product (or better contrast in the case of b&w).  I find the resulting shots look like old portraits from the 20's and 30's, though my subject are a bit more modern! (hence why I love the sepia toned or b&w versions best)....also having a model who has a gift for not looking "posed" is a big help!




    A beautiful and very emotive photo.  I love all the textures and the almost surreal colours of the scarf and eyes.  Very well done!



    I love the deep contrast in this photo and the way the flame brings some light to the man's face...but not too much, just enough to create a glimmer in his eyes.  Lovely photo, well done!



    Thanks for the re-cropping, I agree with you that shifting slightly to the right makes the image look better. The only other thing that annoys me about the photo is the bright patch behind the kookaburra, I find it a bit distracting, unfortunately I guess I'm stuck with it :) Thanks for your help and advice!


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