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Posts posted by ken_wang1

  1. <p>Is there any way to reset the sequence # to "zero" while I'm at DSC 4825 (e.g.)<br>

    I want to start the sequence from <br />"zero" again. <br>

    Reason is that I have 2 Nikon cameras - D40 & D3100. Both are running to the same level "DSC48xx"<br>

    So I want to set one camera's seq back to "0"</p>


  2. <p>This may be an interesting question .<br>

    I have a D40 (purchased in 2007) and a D3100 (purchased in 2012)<br>

    both came with lens that reads<br>

    first one:<br>

    "AF-S nikkor 18-55 mm 3.5-5.6GII ED(serial # has 7 digits)<br>

    fsecond lens:<br>

    "AF-S nikkor 18-55 mm 3.5-5.6G(serial # has 8 digits)</p>

    <p>can anyone check the D3100 to see the description of the 18-55 mm Lens has "GII Ed" or just "G"<br>

    Even Nikon people are not sure></p>

  3. <p>Thanks all.<br>

    I think I have to try more. Today I took some pictures (landscape type). Some came out nice and sharp. Others did not come out as good. <br>

    Also, even with close-ups, I have to learn more. I can see that the manual focus point is the essential of this kind of lens. As someone suggested here, a little turn from the focus will make a big difference.</p>


  4. <p>I got this AF<strong> Micro 60 MM F/2.8 lens and D3100 camera</strong><br>

    <strong> </strong><br>

    <strong>I never know too much if this Micro lens can shoot picture as landscape. (Of course , I know how to use it on close-up)<br /></strong><br>

    <strong>I am using manual focus on the lens and turn the lens until I can see perfectly focus on the scenery.<br /></strong><br>

    <strong>But when I look at the result on my PC. The focus is pretty off. The close-ups have no problem. But the landscape is a little bit fuzzy.<br /></strong><br>

    <strong>Why is that?<br /></strong></p>

  5. <p>I will suggest if you need a repair of your Nikon camera. Always send it to Nikon service center (Melville NY if you are from the USA). Don't bring to the shop unless you know someone.<br>

    They do a wonderful job and fast (2-3 days).</p>

  6. <p>Another question which is not related to focus.<br>

    It's about the sequence number on the file.<br>

    THe file name on my D3100 (new ) still follows the same DSC xxx as D40 where it ends.<br>

    the only thing is it starts with DSC0001 on the D3100 (where my D40 was using DSC 28xx).<br>

    Is there any way to the the "DSC" to something else such as "DSE". I read the support answer on NIKON website. They don't provide a good answer. Just to see your experience</p>

  7. <p>My D40 was gone (see my previous forum posting)<br>

    So I bought this D3100. Of course after 5 years , new features are in D3100.<br>

    I today finally tested it out. I usually take close-up pictures of butterflies , bees , flowers etc.<br>

    But I find it very difficult to focus with the new 11 hole focus points. (instead of the 3 brackets in D40)<br>

    How do you look an object (a butterfly) which point to focus? Does the D3100 automatically detect the foucs point or the red light in the hole lights up after I press a few more times on the shutter.<br>

    I checked the result of today's work. I wasn't too satisfied. Also on the metering , should I use Matrix, or center-weighted.<br>

    The D-3100 offers 14 megapixels. How necessary is it to use 14 MG instead of the 8 MG?<br>

    It's still a new toy to me</p>


  8. <p>I must say when something goes bad, it is difficult to get back to normal.<br>

    after working for about 200 pictures , the error message came back and the camera stopped working.<br>

    It's time to buy a new one.</p>


  9. <p>C.P.M.<br>

    Believe it or not. I did it and the problem seemed to be fixed. It wasn't an easy job for a guy who is not too mechanically inclined. But it is rather simple if one follows instructions on the link.<br>

    The only part I did not do was that I did not unscrew the metal plate. So I only lubricated the red wheel and did not lubricate the white wheel (covered behind the metal plate.<br>

    One important step, label all the screws and draw a simple picture where each hole is located . Tape these screws to a piece of paper , so you won't lose track of the positions of the screws.<br>

    There were two screws that stayed very tight ( the two right underneath the lens). It took a long while to screw them open.<br>

    One minor fracture to the D40 during the process. I broke the latch that locked the battery. But this is minor since I just use a tape to secure the battery door.<br>

    thanks for the suggestion.<br>

    I'd recommend any one to explore just the photography. Have a feel of how the physical camera works too.</p>

  10. <p>Now I know that this kind of error is not heat related.<br>

    At this moment, the D-40 itself seems working. Until this weekend, I'm goin' to try again outdoors and see if the same error pops up.<br>

    If not, until then . I will try to repair according to the thread.<br>


  11. <p>thanks for all your contributions to the solution.<br>

    But one thing I want to get clairified is that the question : IS this malfunction heat related? If the camera itself got sun /heat exposure for more than 15 minutes, will the camera stop function properly?<br>

    Did anyone have this kind of weather-related problem?<br>

    As far as for the fixing the D-40, I am looking into a newer version of NIKON. The D-40 of mine is almost 5 years old anyway.</p>

    <p> </p>

  12. <p>Nikon D40<br>

    Yesterday, for the very first time, this error message came up on the D40 and stopped working.<br>

    It was a hot day , 90 degrees sunshine outdoors in the park.<br>

    I tried to focus on a butterfly. I took a few shots then an error message came up<br>

    <strong>ERROR: press shutter release again ...</strong><br>

    Then the camera stopping working completely.<br>

    I did not get this message down word by word, just briefly as I remembered what it said.<br>

    Did anyone experience this before? Is it because of the heat that affects the camera.<br>

    But when I turned on the camera at night, everything was back to normal. The camera is working again.</p>


  13. <p>I am trying to take some close-up pictures of the roses by using my new Macro lens (Nikon f2.8)<br>

    But I notice that when I take pictures of white roses. It's always overexposed.<br>

    Is there any thumb of rules such as (Aperture 11, speed 125) to make it more reasonable outcome?<br>

    any suggestion?</p>

  14. <p>I just bought this Nikon 60MM 2.8ZG AF-S Micro lens for the Nikon D40<br>

    I got so frustrated . Nothing came out good.<br>

    Lately, I'm learning how to do everything manual focus and also using manual Aperture and Speed.<br>

    I noticed that there are 3 focus brackets inside of the viewfinder. with the 60mm lens. The focus goes to the left side (the square box lights up only on the left one square) which is different when I use the 18-55 lens (the one that comes with D40), the focus lights up red in the middle one.</p>

    <p>Does it matter if the focus bracket is on the left one or the middle because even I am sure I have the right focus on the object. it still comes out fuzzy picture.<br>

    Maybe I just don't know how to use manual with this micro lens. I know I have obtained many excellent pictures with the original 18-55 mm lens .<br>


  15. <p>Hi everyone,<br>

    I went back to the store and got some answers and practices. I understand much better now how the whole Macro works with all your input.<br>

    I think the most important thing now for me is "PRACTICE, practice, practice". I will try to do manual focus and experience different situations.<br>



  16. <p>I just don't know how to handle my new macro lens Nikon f2.8 60mm that I received in Xmas as a present.<br>

    I am using Nikon D40 camera body.<br>

    I have no problem with the original lens that comes with Nikon D40. I could use f5.6 to take a lot of close up (flowers , butterflies etc) and produce nice pictures.<br>

    But with this Macro lens, maybe I just don't know how to maneuver . I tried to take close ups of small flowers and the pictures came out not sharp (not focused).<br>

    Can any one give me some simple steps how to take close up pictures with this Macro lens?<br>

    Do I have to change in the camera - focus mode , AF-area mode, shooting mode?<br>

    If I have 3 flowers in the picture, should I focus on the middle one. How close should I put the camera? etc.<br>

    I tried to search some articles on this subject and did not get much help that can explain why I have such difficulties.</p>


  17. <p>Hi, I have the Nikon D40<br>

    I just found out the 30 pictures that I took yesterday had a little dot (small smudged spot , a little dot)<br>

    I cleaned the lens by blower and did not notice any apparent spot visible on the lens. What could be the problem?<br>

    before I take it to repair and how much do you think this kind of work will cost. Is B&H a reliance place to clean or repair?<br>


  18. <p>I have tried both Flexible-Renamer and CKRename. the Flexible-Renamer worked only one time and after that it froze my PC every time. CKRename cannot open the .exe file. Garbage.<br>

    Does anyone have any other suggestions to rename files easier?</p>


  19. <p>I did not notice that I have reached my file sequence DSC 9999 . Then now it starts with DSC 0001 which I had files months ago.</p><p>How to change the "DSC" to something new to distinguish a new seq no series such as "DSM 0001". Where in the came set up menu I can do it. <br>Please help<br></p>
  20. <p>Hi<br>

    I'm looking for a lens for f/1.5 to allow more exposure on the object and faded background.<br>

    What's the diff between f/1.5D and f/1.5G<br>

    Any recommendation for a Macro lens for close up. Any good Nikon lens that is not too expensive?</p>


  21. <p>I have this D40 Nikon camera.<br>

    Someone told me there is a way to put the signature on the photo to protect the my own photos.<br>

    Is this something that can be set up in the Nikon D40 itself?<br>

    If not, is there some kind of software (preferably free ones) to do it and how?(I don't have photoshop)?</p>


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