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Posts posted by kris_rogers1

  1. oh man, i don't know! haha. I had posted this before and someone told me to use Adobe Gamma. so I tried setting up a profile on there, and it just washed out the adobe ps cs2 images even more. At this point I have no idea how the colors are so completely different. As I said, my monitor is spot on, I mean of course there is a slight difference, but close enough to where I know what my output image will look like when i get it back from my lab. So start at square one and I will try anything! I am about to start editing on my old laptop that doesn't have a working keyboard over using my new HP!
  2. New computer, loaded photoshop, calibrated monitor, used adobe gamma...colors

    are completely different between monitor and adobe. Same workspace. My monitor

    is spot on as far as screen to print color, but my adobe is really cold and

    unsaturated! HELP! it's a pain in the butt to make edits and have to keep

    checking them on the monitor!

  3. Where do I find a senior portrait drape? I am from up north and we don't use

    them! lol. I moved to VA, and now I am being asked if I have one for senior

    portraits, looked on my old faithful ebay, and found NOTHING. Is it just

    fabric? or is there an actual drape that can be bought?

  4. Bring stools! I have the folding stools from walmart that i LOVE, they are light and easy to use, put the father on one, the mother behind him just like an engagement pose (hand on his shoulder) and one of the kids (if a boy/girl combo put the girl behind the boy...girls are more sensitive to the size issue) and ANGLE ANGLE ANGLE!
  5. I just bought a new laptop and calibrated the monitor the same as I did my old

    computer. Photoshop CS's colors are COMPLETELY different, they are cool and low

    saturation, I have tried every format I can to try to match it with my monitor,

    but can you imagine how much time it takes to edit in photoshop and then pull it

    up in windows and find that the colors are horribly oversaturated?! AHHH help!

  6. ok now i can give more info! lol. I have a rebel xt with a speedlight, also a bracket and softbox for the speed light, i also have two medium sized softboxes, reflectors, umbrellas, backdrops, sheer fabrics in black, white and red, i also have continuous lights and gels, barn door, snoot, etc. I basically have the basic lighting set up for any studio and a few back drops that i will probably bring with me and attach to the walls with 3m hooks. the hotel is a hilton, with a HUGE paneless window. and I am going to flip the bed spread upside down to get the white part on top instead of the flowered bedspread. I am also bringing a feather bed that is totally white. The only real problem i see with the room is it has a huge glossy wood headboard, most likely will hang sheer in the background to divert the attention and give it a more romantic feel. I have an assistant coming with me to hold reflectors and such which is GREAT! I also have tripods...someone asked about that! haha. oh and I have the standard canon lens and a 80-200mm tameron 3.5 I am going to attempt to play around with them...
  7. The only way she should have paid the fine is if it purchased the rights to the proofs. As for the other problems, she can take legal action against him if all of those issues are stipulated in the contract, as far as mailing etc. She should have found out if he used a professional lab or not before hiring him. She can also file a complaint against him using the better Business bureau site. It doesn't do all that much, but if someone searches that photographer they can see that they have counts against them at the BBB.
  8. Well, i have done some research on all of the amazing locations you have suggested! I think I am between Rock Creek Park (boulder bridge stole my heart) and Meadowlark Gardens. I am looking for a place that is more versatile than just flowers, the split rail fences and pathways of meadowlark are great, but rock creek also has beautiful bridges and slit rails, so to DC I go this weekend to view them through my own lens instead of someone else's... THANK YOU!
  9. I am newer to the DC area and have a booking for engagement portraits. I am

    going out there tomorrow to do a little looking around for locations that can

    give multiple feels. The couple is looking for romantic, but also fun and

    casual in white shirts and jeans. So any suggestions on locations would be a

    great help! thanks!

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