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Posts posted by steven_martin

  1. <p>I have a 400d and a 50mm f1.8 and struggle to get sharp pictures indoors without a flash. I will get a new lens but was also wondering if a new body, such as a 40d would help (the price is quite good at the moment with the 50d out).<br>

    I will probably get a Tamron 17-50 f2.8 as my kit lens broke but do you think that in order to get sharper indoor shots I will have to get a better prime as well or a new body?</p>

  2. Thanks for the responses. I will have natural light shots in the church. I went in there last week with a 50mm and it is a good length to use. With regards to the after party, I think I will use the 50 1.4 and the 16-35 2.8 (I'm sure at some point in the evening I shall grab the camera and take some shots). At least I'll have some keepers then (assuming I take the photos before the beer starts flowing).
  3. I am using a 1.6 crop camera for some portraits in a tight space. As I shall be

    using a wide angle lens the portraits won't be very flattering. I understand

    that this can be corrected in Photoshop so that they appear as they were taken

    with a normal lens. Is it possible to make them even more flattering by making

    them look as if they were taken with a telephoto lens?


    I am using Elements 3 but I do have a friend with CS2 if it can't be done in


  4. My wife and I are renewing our vows at the local church. As it's a small event I

    didn't want to spend big bucks on a pro photographer. I am going to get a friend

    to take the photos on my 400d. The only relatively decent lens I have is the

    50mm 1.8 so I was looking to rent some lenses from a local store. The options

    they stock are:


    14mm f2.8L

    35mm f2

    50mm f1.4

    16-35 f2.8L

    17-40 f4L

    24-70 f2.8L


    Unfortunately, I cannot find anywhere that rents the EFS 17-55 2.8.


    The church is reasonably well lit, but not brilliant. We are having a bit of a

    gathering at the local pub afterwards. There will be about 60 people there.


    I'm a bit stumped about which lenses to go for. I was thinking the 1.4mm and the

    24-70mm. I guess that should cover most angles. Has anyone had any success with

    any of these lenses on a 400d/XTI in similar circumstances?

  5. I'm interested in learning more about photography, particularly landscapes and

    was thinking of buying some books for the commute to work. What do you think of

    this list?



    The Photoshop Elements Book for Digital Photographers by Scott Kelby


    The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby


    Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital

    Camera by Bryan Peterson


    John Shaw's Landscape Photography by John Shaw

  6. I have a 400d with the 18-55mm kit lens which has just broke (it was a friend's

    old lens so there is no warranty). I didn't like the quality anyway, especially

    compared to the 50mm f1.8 which I also own. I have debated long and hard over

    getting one of the following:


    EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM


    EF-S 17-85mm f/4.0-5.6 IS USM


    EF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM


    I'm leaning towards the 24-105 at the moment for the following reasons:


    It's an L lens (the 17-55 is a lot of money for a non-L),

    it has the longest focal length of the 3 (I have missed a number of shots of the

    kids with the kit lens because it was not long enough).

    Although I lose out on the wide end I can use it with my 500n film body if I'm

    going somewhere where I know I'm going to want a wider angle.


    I mainly take photos of my kids and landscapes/castles etc. Next year I will

    get either a 5D or a 10-22mm lens for the landscapes, depending on how much cash

    I have at the time.


    Do my thoughts seem logical?

  7. I'm looking at upgrading the 18-55mm kit lens that comes with the 400d. I take a

    lot of photos inside old castles/churches. I'm looking for a lens that will be

    good in this situation when I don't have my tripod with me as well as being a

    good lens for landscapes/cityscapes. I am considering the 17-40 f/4L and the

    EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS. There is also the 16-25mm f/2.8L but this is pushing the

    price up a bit and I'm losing out in terms of range.


    Has anyone had experience of these lenses in a situation with no tripod inside a

    reasonably dark building?

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