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Image Comments posted by paulina_jaskulska



    I like the compisition and the light! Not sure if the bottom line of the surface the model was on is not distracting slightly, but not sure how else to do it... (sorry, thinking out loud). I think the photos is very good!

    Regards. Paulina

  1. Lovely DOF with a nice point of focus... not sure about her earring or is it a hair string, I find ,slightly distracting. But love the photo! Also perhaps smaller format for the upload as then it would not be necessary to scroll up and down?... just a suggestion.

    Great work! Paulina

    Gold Fish


    Chris, this is a great shot! I love the color of a gold fish together with the background! And the light! Superb! I also had a look at your other photographs and the composition as well your techinque are amazing. I'm curious how many attempt you had to achive each of them so perfect? Congratulations!

    Regards. Paulina

  2. This is my favourite one Jacob. But I insist it needs to be seen enlarged. You achieved here (as well as on many other photographs) the kind of: "yes, never seen that way of capturing the subject (a horse)". Oh! And thank you very much for your words about my photo.

    Best regards. Paulina

    On Target


    What an amazing photo Kent! I love it! Wonderful capture of an eagle in attack. So beautifully!

    Thank you for good words about my flamingo feathers shot btw.

    Regards. Paulina



    with excellent DOF! But I cannot detect if it's a PS work?...

    Nevertheless I love the photo, the subject, colors and of course DOF.


    Regards. Paulina



    the high key effect... but not sure about her pose... she is lovely with a perfect body, but in here, to me, she seems to be square...


    Best regards. Paullina



    My mind goes to one question of how many attempts you had, before achieving shot you were happy with Gary? Beautiful model: unreal smooth complexion, long fingered hands, nose, lips... and don't tell me this is honey btw... :)

    Regards. Paulina



    Very nice light. I like also the little detail that you can see cat's claws... kinda sweet, but at the same time with a warning if you let the imagination do it's part... plus the look in the eyes! Very good shot.

    Regards. Paulina



    ... the girl is lovely. Interesting composition. But why the label on her shoe?... shame, but easy to get rid off, even when not spotted while the photoshoot.


    Regards. Paulina



    Shame about the horizon though. The whole photo leans towards left side.

    But despite that I like the composition and the treatment.


    Regards. Paulina




    My eyes were following the lines of your model's body. Very clever! I cannot find anything wrong with this photo. Have you played with different tones of light? Just curious... For me this is a very good shot! It's tasteful and tactful image. Well done!.


    Regards. Paulina



    Good capture, her face, natural pose, almost like she wasn't posing. But... shame that her foot is cropped and also not sure about the background. Too much of distracting items and the lines are not straight. Easily fixed in PS.


    Regards. Paulina



    ... just not sure about the lights in the ceiling. Seem to distract an eye with its brightness. But great idea to capture the couple from the bottom with all the chappel benches leading an eye to the main subject. Well done!


    Regards. Paulina



    I always appreciate a popular subject captured in a different way. Very nice composition. It woul look better when uploaded in smaller size, no need for scolling up and down to see the whole picture. Just an advice that once someone told me.


    Regards. Paulina

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