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Posts posted by stephanie_dehler

  1. <p>Hi there;<br>

    I thought it would be easy to find the answer to this question, but I've been searching awhile now with no results. <br>

    My partner and I shot a wedding together, and when we got the files uploaded into lightroom, we realized one of our cameras was off by 6 minutes and 50 seconds. I really thought I had run into this before and come up with a solution, but it seems Lightroom only allows you to adjust the capture time by hours and not minutes. <br>

    I selected all of my partner's images and tried to change the metadata by going to Metadata<br>

    There are hundreds of files and far to many to do it manually or individually. Can anyone offer some advice? Is this something that would be easier to do in Bridge?<br>

    Thanks in advance for you help;<br>


  2. (I hope I'm posting this in the right place.)


    I am looking for an online printer that will allow me to upload my own designs and offers heavy weight matte

    cardstock for greeting card printing. I found another similar question asking if anyone knew of any printers that use

    Arches paper. I don't know what Arches paper is, but specifically, I'm looking for 100 or 110# matte cardstock.

    White House (the printer I usually use) offers very nice art papers (linen and watercolor) for press printing, but I kind

    of think the weight of the paper is a bit flimsy for flat 5x7 cards. Ideally, I would like to be able to order qty's of no

    more than 25.


    If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it! Thanks!

  3. I truly appreciate your help, but I'm getting so frusterated! My question isn't about why I name my files the way I do or the name that I choose, but the numbers. I cannot get Lightroom to export my files with a three or four digit number starting with zeros, so my sequence gets put out of whack! I am somewhat familier with the export dialog, but that is where I run into my problem. I choose the template "filename-sequence," type in the filename, and for the starting number I type in 001. Lightroom exports it as Filename_1, dropping the zeros and messing up my sequence. I know, it seems like a no brainer, but it just doesn't work!


    Is there another way for me to name them when they are in the Library that would be more beneficial to me?

  4. I haven't been renaming the images until I export them. They come into Lightroom with the camera given numbers.

    (I keep my file naming sequence on my camera turned on, so that I when I use more than one memory card per

    session I don't end up with more than one file numbered the same.)


    When I use the Filename_Sequence template just before I export, I type in 001 for the starting number. Lightroom

    changes my 001 start number to 1. Are you telling me I should rename them in the library or when I import them?

    Would that make a difference?


    I might be misunderstanding you; but I'm trying to keep the image numbers as short and simple as possible, mainly

    to avoid confusion. I would also like to avoid using the capture date in the name, and instead use just

    the client name_sequence number. (preferrably starting at 001; example: Dehler_001)

  5. It looks like someone may have tried to ask this question before but I couldn't find an answer!


    I recently started working with Lightroom. I have been having trouble with file renaming in three digit sequential

    order. I try to start the numbering off at 001, but as the files are exported, 001 gets saved as 1.


    The problem arises when I automate the files in Photoshop to create an online gallery. The images don't stay in

    sequential order, but instead jump from 1, to 10, to 100, and so on. This was never a problem when I renamed files

    in Adobe Bridge, but my whole reason for buying Lightroom was to cut back on workflow. I have a really hard time

    believing the folks at Adobe wouldn't have taken this into consideration, and that there must be something simple I'm



    Thanks in advance to whomever has the answer to this question! I would really appreciate it!

  6. At one point I saw albums with image printed covers that slide into a frosted

    plastic sleeve. I can't remember where I saw them, but I have searced forever

    online and haven't been able to find them again! They are not

    neccessarily "wedding" books, and I thought they would be perfect for

    family/children's portraits.


    If anyone can help I would really appreciate it!

  7. I know this question has been asked before, but I couldn't seem to find it. I

    have a Nikon D200 and now I am unable to use my 50mm 1.8 lens with my studio

    strobes. The shutter speed needs to be set at 250 in order to avoid the dark

    stripe going down the side of the image, and that's way too slow for my lens.

    I had a D50 before and this wasn't a problem! I want the detailed images my

    50mm provides; Is there no way to avoid this issue with my new camera?

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